cats_Paw :
Calcultion of many diffrent light sources? Human Skin physx? Foliage movement with diffrent wind patterns?
I think you could do a lot with this .
I think you could do a lot with this .
Imagine calculating the collision of each molecule and atom generated in a game (actually, even generating molecules and atoms in a game to mimic real life would be quite a feat on its own :lol. Even if we had the computational performance to do that, it may be pointless for the aesthetic appeal in games (since we wouldn't be able to see these particles normally anyway). I think they do things like that though for scientific simulations where they do matter.
Anyway, a game were made that would sufficiently simulate the real world, I doubt it would fully use what these supercomputers could offer. Though I can't really say...
technoholic :
Excuse me, but aren't GPUs more efficient/optimised for paralleled work loads already? Is GPUs' nature (more coars + higher memory bandwidth of graphics memory + their abily to act alongside a CPU) not more suitable for parallel computing? Also GPUs are relatively cheap and widely available even for a home user. Even a home user can do accelerated work using their GPU. IMO x86 has got its age. Intel doesn't want to adopt new tech