XFX nForce 680i LT - No Posts no display no bootup.


Dec 1, 2007
Alright so I purchased a bundle set from tigerdirect.com. came with the XFX nForce 680i LT Sli Motherboard, 500wat power supply, dual core pentium D 3.0ghz processor, 2 x 1gb cheap Corsair DDR2 6400's and a case. I purchased 2x 1gb corsair twinx dual channel ddr2 pc6400's a really nice heatsink etc, harddrive and cd-rom. Now I will be the first to admit i'm not a pc building guru, its been 6 years since i've built a computer from scratch and I've never had these types of motherboard issues. I followed the motherboard manual all the way thru, set everything up correctly...I reset the CMOS jumper cables ( atleast I think I did...the jumper cables throws me off) The directions are poorly written. The only thing I've read is that the better ram sometimes on this motherboard that requires more voltage sometimes causes this. Which can be corrected in bios...but I can't get the damn pc to bootup to even get to bios. The motherboard lights up...stays running. All the fans are functional; the harddrive is moving etc. But no posts and no display. If anyone has any advice on this please let me know. What is the remedy for this? I've seen several posts over this same issue but no real solution to it. Could someone walk me thru the jumper settings to make sure i'm doing it correctly? If thats not the issue it has to be my RAM? Please any information would help.
If the Mobo has the blue light on and everything powers on, i think it's between the CPU and the graphics card.... what graphics card do you have ? I just built my rig based on that same mobo and powered on and POST on the first power on. You don't have to adjust any jumper settings, unless you're having problems. What about the power supply....what brand and model is it ?
Well I have dual XFX GeForce 8500 GT's 512mb...and that might be the issue i'm not really sure. I've done everything but yank out my graphics card on this computer and put it into the one I just bought to see if thats the issue. My old card isn't even pciexpress its an agp. I just got the power supply that was in the bundle. Ultra / X-Connect V-Series ( XVS) / 500-Watt / ATX / 120mm Fan / 20/24-Pin / Modular Power Supply. I noticed tho on a lot of the SLI video cards they actually have a power connector on the end of them that goes to the power supply...the 8500's I have don't have that...there is 1 p/w connecter near the 24pin thats supposidly suppost to be for the graphics cards. It could also be that I played with the jumper settings all too much...and I am also uncertain with jumper settings in general. If you have the correct setting would u mind explaining what it should be on? Or even take a pic of the inside of ur rig n posting it? I know its a lot to ask...i'm so frustraited tho i'm about to throw this thing out the window.
The XFX board looks like an nVidia reference design minus a few features. You shouldn't have had to do much with jumpers.

The 4 pin molex connector, according to my manual, is for supplemental power if you are running 2 video cards.

I suspect your PSU is the problem.

It's long and involves disassembly, but try this:


Since I have an eVGA 680i board, your results should match the italics notes.
Why did u buy a Pentium D? You should buy a Core 2 Duo... Obviously Pentium D is the slowest among Athlon and C2D.

With your problem...huh the Procie maybe not supported since that is ancient technology.
JSC good advice I read those steps and will try that...as far as the pentium D not working with motherboard...am pretty sure it does...and it came with the set would be pretty lame if it did not work with the motherboard. Also I know its not a great chip...i went for a cheap upgrade. Can't afford the biggest and baddest.
I have same motherboard, and exactly the same problem. I will post specifics later. As Gravity that started this post, I have no beeps, no video. The modo lights up. I have the impression that is a CPU power issue. The mobo manual states that a 4-pin power cord will work, but it cannot fit the way the mobo manual tells you to fit it. It is a very odd problem.
the 4 pin power conector has to be connected to the 8 pin socket up by the ps2 mouse and key board connectors.
but the manual says connect close to the ps2.. it wont fit..
connect to the other 4 holes opposite what the manual says.
it will then work ,, i had same issue..
I have the same problem as you. Did you figure out how it works now? some people in the forum said a 4pin to 8pin converter will solve it.
I'm having a very similar problem. Ive connected everything, etc. The mobo light goes on but nothing else is running (including the PSU fan) and therefore I can't leave the system powered for more then a few seconds so it doesn't overheat. I have a 750w PSU that includes an 8-pin connector so that isn't an issue. Its been about 2 years since I put together a computer from scratch and I'm convinced that it's a jumper issue. If anyone has directly dealt with this issue please help. I visited the links supplied in this thread and most of them dance around my issue but don't hit it directly.
I have the exact same problem as Evilperson, blue light comes on, amber light comes on, but no fans running on mobo and psu and no video or anything. There seems to be a lot of threads regarding the mobo and issues with it but none actually solves my problem.
My problem is kind of similar.

I have an nforce 680i lt as well, with two nvidia 8600 gts linked. My power supply is a 700 watt with an eight pin connector. So like one poster was mentioning the 4 to 8 pin connection is not my problem either. When I first booted up I got a load screen my bios was in error and had to do a hard reboot. When I did nothing came on like a lot of folks here was talking about. I have since had to remove and place the jumper in the number one and two pins for the bios to reset it in order for the system to start up. So every time I have had either a crash or any type of reboot I have to reset the jumpers. This is not good. I know every time I have done a build I always have some bugs to work out, usually on the driver side of things, but never had anything like this happen before.

I have been going through the manual, looking online for some sort of solution. So far nothing, hopefully someone has a good answer for all this. Or if I find out something I will post some answers.
Well I got my problem solved. I removed one stick of ram reset bios and booted up went into my bios and changed my ram memory voltage to 2.2 mine was set at 1.9. After rebooting again everything worked. I shut down my system and installed my second ram stick and rebooted again and everything is working great.

Hope others that are stuck can get theirs working. Thanks to those who helped solve my problem!
I had the identical issue which confused me for about 45 mins of frustration. I removed my ps2 keyboard and used a usb one and it booted right up. Only issue I have left now is my LG lightscribe drive wont work despite it working on my other two pcs fine (xp and vista) I removed the cables and replaced, changed jumper settings, changed bios settings, redid the drivers numerous times, flashed the bios to the latest///no luck...it works with cds fine just not dvds so i can play crisis on the new mobo "(
Thanks for this post. Worked like a charm!
I didn't have to change the RAM voltage manually - the mobo recognized the correct voltage with 1 stick, I saved the new settings, added the second stick, and everything was fine 🙂....

Well I have the same problem as gravity and now Im kind of frustrated 'cause I have make everything, I read all the posts and im trying some of the solutions, but there is one thing I have not try and is the jumper configuration, how can I play with those??!?....my computer features are...

Motherboard: XFX Nforce 680i LTsli
Video card: n-Geforce 8600 GTS 512 MB DDR3
CPU: Intel C2Q Q6700
I bought the same motherboard from TigerDirect.com as part of a combo with an Intel Core 2 Quad Q660, and I also had problems.

My Story:
So my new motherboard, CPU, memory, video card, etc. arrive. I am excited and start putting it together right away. 😀 I get it all set up and press the power button, and nothing happens. :fou: No fans come on at all, not even the power supply fan. All that's on is a blue light. My first thoughts are that either the motherboard is dead, or my 350W power supply cannot handle the load, and is being crowbarred.

After searching around on the internet I figure out that a lot of people have problems with this motherboard not posting or displaying anything at bootup. So I begin to give up hope just thinking that I have a dead motherboard.

After looking back at the motherboard to see if everything is connected, I turn to the manual and check the power button connector only to find out that it is connected to the wrong place. I had it connected to the serial header instead of the 'power supply on' connector. On this motherboard the front panel connectors were not where they were on my old motherboard. They are the different colored connectors by the auxiliary graphics power connector. The yellow connectors at the bottom of the board are serial headers.

I also decided to check the memory before I turned it on only to find out that I had it in the wrong slots. I had 1 stick of memory in DIMM 0 and the other in DIMM 2. It's a good thing the motherboard didn't turn on, or I probably would have fried my memory. If you have 2 sticks of memory, each one goes i a white slot, not a white and black slot or two black slots.

Once I fixed this, and checked connections one last time I turned the computer on. Voila! It worked! I had 0 issues. I didn't have to change the voltage of my RAM or anything. I booted up Windows, installed the drivers, and it has been working to this day without problems.

The End

My advice is to check these things. They caught me by surprise because they were different from my old motherboard. Also, if you can, test your memory and video card in another computer to ensure that they work. If you are sure that everything works, and everything is connected correctly and it still doesn't work then you probably have a dead board. Also, even if your power supply doesn't have an 8-pin CPU connector, it's OK. I am running mine with the 4-pin to 8-pin adapter that came with the motherboard. One last thing is that I don't think that your power supply is the problem. You are running dual video cards with a 500W power supply which is what the minimum requirement is according to the manual (300W for one GPU). A lot of people have received dead boards. Just hope yours isn't one of them! Good Luck! :)
Thanks, but now I have another problem, I make it work but because of many turning on's my BIOS was corrupted, now I have to find the softaware so I can recover from its previous status, you know where I can find it?....check this page: http://www.xfxforce.com/web/support/searchDriversSerial.jspa# is supposed to be there jeje mu serial number would be J2N088958 and just tell which one is it....I really wanna use my computer and start playing ....thanks a lot quantum
kurenn, I will warn you right now before I say anything else that I am not a BIOS expert. I have never updated my BIOS or flashed a new BIOS before. The information I am giving you is what I have found on the internet from other people who have flashed a new BIOS to this mobo.

First of all you need to determine which BIOS you have, nVidia or XFX. I read from a review on Amazon that
...xfx 680i LT solds from tigerdirect come with an "NVIDIA BIOS" no XFX BIOS...
This is true with my motherboard, mine came with an nVidia BIOS and I ordered it from TigerDirect. So if you order it from TigerDirect, you can probably assume that it has an nVidia BIOS.

After you determine which BIOS you have, go to this link: http://www.xfxforce.com/web/support/searchDriversSerial.jspa# and enter your motherboard serial number. Under the Other Software category select the appropriate BIOS, nVidia or XFX and download it. If you have an XFX BIOS, make sure you download the XFX BIOS Update ISO file NOT the XFX BIOS Update BIN File.

Once you've downloaded the appropriate file burn the ISO file to a CD. Startup the computer with the CD in the drive, and the BIOS should be flashed from the CD.

I don't know if this will work because I haven't tried it, but I'm assuming it should as long as you download the right BIOS.

Hope this helps!
I really appreciate your help dude, I really do, but I got tire of this **** and call the supporte center and they just change my motherboard, you were right at the beginning my mobo was broken or something, but now I'm happy jeje I can now see my screen showing me something jajaja, I recomend everybody to call the support center, they should help you with this kind of things but anyways, thank you quantum for reading my problem and help me up with this, I'll be posting and I'll be here for anyone who needs the help jaja
Well I am having an issue with my system after 5 months of use... bootup freezes half way through post. Is what i did se b4 not getting a signal from the video card xfx 260gtx 216. MB 680i LT q6700 8g ocz titanium 800mhz. so i put a ticket in and i am thinking that it is the MB. Anyone have the # for customer support, I want to call them also
Well heres some good news for some of you having the same problem as the OP was.
I talked with XFX tech support today about the new 680i LT board I just recieved from them on an RMA.
The P08 bios which came out a while back can be the reason for this problem (no post,no video)
It seems that when the P08 bios was released they did one thing to it that made not work with older cpu's like mine (a Pentium D 945) series cpu.
The P08 bios has no support for the older Pentium cpu's which include Pentium 4's, Pentium D's etc.
If the cpu is a older that a core 2 duo it's not going to post and give no video according to a XFX support tech.

Now usually these bios updates are the same thing for these referance mother boards like mine regradless of which company it is (the bios just has the companies name and serial added) XFX EVGA etc.
But I'd check with your mother board company first before doing anything like flashing the bios back to an older version.
In my case XFX is sending me a new bios chip with the older P07 bios on it, otherwise I'll have to RMA the new board if that doesn't work.