Hello, I am considering purchasing http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5736415&CatId=7387
It is the cheapest 7970 I have found. What I am wondering is basically, is this a bad Idea? I know that when it comes to parts you get what you pay for. Since this is probably the cheapest 7970 out there, would I be better off going with something like this asus gtx 670? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2941924&CatId=7387 I know asus is a good reputable brand.
Which card would you opt for? My budget on a card is 400 max, but preferrably less. I am also open to other suggestions. And I am not an Nvidia or AMD fanboy, I have used both in the past and had no problems with either.
It is the cheapest 7970 I have found. What I am wondering is basically, is this a bad Idea? I know that when it comes to parts you get what you pay for. Since this is probably the cheapest 7970 out there, would I be better off going with something like this asus gtx 670? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2941924&CatId=7387 I know asus is a good reputable brand.
Which card would you opt for? My budget on a card is 400 max, but preferrably less. I am also open to other suggestions. And I am not an Nvidia or AMD fanboy, I have used both in the past and had no problems with either.