XFX Radeon 7970?

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Jan 16, 2013
Hello, I am considering purchasing http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5736415&CatId=7387

It is the cheapest 7970 I have found. What I am wondering is basically, is this a bad Idea? I know that when it comes to parts you get what you pay for. Since this is probably the cheapest 7970 out there, would I be better off going with something like this asus gtx 670? http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2941924&CatId=7387 I know asus is a good reputable brand.

Which card would you opt for? My budget on a card is 400 max, but preferrably less. I am also open to other suggestions. And I am not an Nvidia or AMD fanboy, I have used both in the past and had no problems with either.

I wouldn't say you are a fan boy I think that you are open to different cards and I think that is good. You are open to the best solution for you so that already kind of puts you in a different place. I think overall the 7970 is the stronger of the two cards between the 670 and the 7970 not by much but I would say in most cases it is the case. However that being said I believe that the Asus card is the stronger of the two cards cooling wise and component wise however that is really up to you what direction you want to go in. Also it looks like today may be the last day for the never settle bundle which seems to include quite a few games.
I wouldn't say you are a fan boy I think that you are open to different cards and I think that is good. You are open to the best solution for you so that already kind of puts you in a different place. I think overall the 7970 is the stronger of the two cards between the 670 and the 7970 not by much but I would say in most cases it is the case. However that being said I believe that the Asus card is the stronger of the two cards cooling wise and component wise however that is really up to you what direction you want to go in. Also it looks like today may be the last day for the never settle bundle which seems to include quite a few games.
Thanks for the replies. I think I will just go ahead and go with the xfx 7970, as far as cooling I am thinking about going the liquid cooling route shortly after I finish the build. So temperatures probably won't be much of an issue there.
Yes, my initial build will only have a cpu liquid cooler and the rest will be cooled by fans. I plan on later adding waterblock cooling to the gpu, the memory, hard drive, and motherboard, either one at a time as I get the money for components or just save up and do them all at once.
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