[SOLVED] XFX RX 580 Temp Question!


Mar 8, 2019
Hello Guys,

I have an XFX RX 580 8GB Black Core Edition, temperature on idle is around 48c to 56c (118f to 132f), and the fans are off and doesn't start until it reaches 58c to 59c on idle, and it cools down to 51c-53c and they turn back off again, i only play Pubg Lite on my desktop at Med-Ultra settings at around 125fps, temp while gaming and recording at 60fps plays between 70c to 77c, is that fine for and AMD card?

I have 3 front fans at high speed most of the time, and one fan (exhaust in the back), my case is a Xigmatek Venom X, temp here in Jordan ranging between 25c to 33c most of these days.

Shall i invest in 2 new fans and install them in the top of the case as (exhaust)? will that make the case cooler?

Note: My GPU is vertically mounted, and mounting it this way didn't change anything in terms of performance and temp so far.

Thank you.
No problem.
I've always had my GPU undervolted to save me ~30W compared to "auto".
I also re-applied thermal paste between the GPU and heatsink a few months ago and my MSI RX480 GamingX went from 85C @ 2400rpm fans to 73C @ 1200rpm fans.
Considering the card's fans are off, 48C at idle is about right. I don't see anything wrong as it sits right now, even your temps under load. Your case has way more air flow than needed, but if the fan noise is acceptable, you're fine. Is the GPU hovering around 100% usage when you game?
Most GPUs turn their fans off when temps are below ~55C. That's normal. They also generally have a "target" temp of around 75C where the fans adjust accordingly to maintain that temp. Anything under 85C is fine, but lower is better for less fan noise obviously.

I've had good success undervolting in AMD WattMan. I can help with that if you want.
Considering the card's fans are off, 48C at idle is about right. I don't see anything wrong as it sits right now, even your temps under load. Your case has way more air flow than needed, but if the fan noise is acceptable, you're fine. Is the GPU hovering around 100% usage when you game?

No i don’t think so, the maximum fan speed i saw was 2200rpm when temp was 78c, and it usually between 1200 to 2100 while gaming. I can say the card is silent while gaming, i can’t hear the noise, noise comes from the case’s fans.
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Most GPUs turn their fans off when temps are below ~55C. That's normal. They also generally have a "target" temp of around 75C where the fans adjust accordingly to maintain that temp. Anything under 85C is fine, but lower is better for less fan noise obviously.

I've had good success undervolting in AMD WattMan. I can help with that if you want.

Thanks a lot mate, i think i am fine keeping it as is, as long as am good with temps so far.
No problem.
I've always had my GPU undervolted to save me ~30W compared to "auto".
I also re-applied thermal paste between the GPU and heatsink a few months ago and my MSI RX480 GamingX went from 85C @ 2400rpm fans to 73C @ 1200rpm fans.