
Mar 5, 2007
Hi guys, I have a system with XP HOME and for some reason the folder

"c:\documents and settings\all users\documents" a.k.a. "shared documents" folder. for some odd reason it is locked and i can't access it, delete it, or anything... in "my computer" it doesn't show has "shared documents" but only as "documents"... i've never encoutered this problem and haven't worked with XP HOME much, mostly work with XP PRO, please help me find a way to access the folder, thank you!
Follow these instructions:
1 Boot into safe mode
2 Log on with main Administrator password (default is blank)
3 Navigate to folder concerned that you want to view
4 Right click on required folder
5 Click on Sharing and Security
6 Select "Security"
7 Select "Advanced" "Ownership"
8 Highlight group entry for "Administrators"
9 Place a tick (checkmark) in "Changed ownership on sub-containers and objects"
10 Click "Apply"
11 You may get a "reset permissions" enquiry if so click "OK"

Good Luck.
Information provided by Paws at tomcoyoteforums.