XP start up error and running error


Feb 6, 2006
Since last night after I uninstalled some sound drivers and reinstalled them and removed some programs I don't use anymore (nothing that has to do with windows operating whatsoever) I've been getting these damn blue screen errors. :evil: This is making me so mad. Can anyone help?

Win 32k.sys - Address BF93804C base at BF800000, Date Stamp 43446a58

STOP: 0x0000008E (0xc0000005, 0x805B0405, 0xED3BBC7C, 0x00000000)
0x00000050 (0xA1018474, 0x00000000, 0x80ECA56, 0x00000000)

and others.
One of the errors occurs at bootup and the other one just comes up randomly during Windows. (I'm lucky it hasn't come up yet as I'm typing this.)

This is driving me crazy. Should I update my BIOS maybe?
That, almost always, is a ram problem.

Were you particular in making sure you used high-quality (Crucial, Kingston, Corsair) memory; exactly designed for your mobo?????

Get MemTest; create it's cd and run it for at least 4 hours.

Check the working screen periodically for errors. You should get NONE.

Never update a BIOS unless you are fixing a problem with your machine.

What you have is not a BIOS issue anyway unless you're overclocking.
Ram problem? Well I used to have that problem when I first had my computer, but I called Asus and they told me to change of the settings in BIOS and that fixed the problem. (that was about ayear ago)

Out of nowhere, the problem came back last night. I did not change any of the BIOs settings from what they were. How can this be? :?:
I think I might have fixed the problem in BIOs. I changed some memory option to the manual 266 mhz instead of the auto setting.

:Fingers crossed: 8O