I just bought a Dell... I know, I had to bite my cheek to get through the process but the deal was too good. It was about $1300 for core i7 2600 [not 2600k 🙁 ], 16 GB af RAM, 1.5 GB in Raid 0 (750X2), W7 Pro
My Questions. Is there room for a 2nd graphics card? I can fing little MB info. I opted for the Radeon 6870 and would love to throw in a 2nd one in Crossfire.
2. Logicbuy has a great deal on my favorite SSD, the Kingston 120 GB HyperX. With the Raid 0 setup of the 2 HDs, could I install the SSD as a boot drive and then reinstall Windows 7 Pro (before loading any programs or data, of course.) Forgive my ignorance but is this what is meant by a "clean reinstall" to get rid of bloatware like the MacAfee and other junk that comes with the system?
3. The sytem didn't come with a monitor. I have a decent 24" Samsung already but saw a Asus 27" for around $200 (also on logicbuy.com). Any thoughts?
Thanks for any suggestions and taking the time to respond
My Questions. Is there room for a 2nd graphics card? I can fing little MB info. I opted for the Radeon 6870 and would love to throw in a 2nd one in Crossfire.
2. Logicbuy has a great deal on my favorite SSD, the Kingston 120 GB HyperX. With the Raid 0 setup of the 2 HDs, could I install the SSD as a boot drive and then reinstall Windows 7 Pro (before loading any programs or data, of course.) Forgive my ignorance but is this what is meant by a "clean reinstall" to get rid of bloatware like the MacAfee and other junk that comes with the system?
3. The sytem didn't come with a monitor. I have a decent 24" Samsung already but saw a Asus 27" for around $200 (also on logicbuy.com). Any thoughts?
Thanks for any suggestions and taking the time to respond