Yamaha rv-467 to UHD Tv no surround sound.

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Jan 1, 2019
Hi, i connect my Yamaha receiver through Hdmi arc on tv and arc on yamaha. But the old amp support 1.4 hdmi. I tried to play blue ray movies and media box but only receiver 3 speaker sounds instead of 5. When j tune to radio, the 5 speakers got sounds. Anyone know why...
When you play the radio your are using a surround mode like Dolby Prologic which take a stereo source, subtracts out of phase information and sends it out of the the center and rear channels. When you do that the surround are active a lot.
When you play a movie the surround speakers will only play when the director wants them to,
They will be silent much of the time.
Check the audio settings on the bd player and media box.
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