You Can Actually Call Your Mom be Asking Google Now

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Technology is great, but Google Now can be somewhat sluggish on my DRIOD RAZR HD

I had a Droid Razr HD Maxx for a work phone and that thing was just horribly slow. Of course I compared it to my personal Galaxy S4 but still it was slower than it should have been. I could do a factory reset and it would speed up but after some time, it slowed down again.

As for the Google Now tech, I have this feeling it will require all kinds of permissions and this info will also be sold by Google. Remember, Google stated that anything that goes through their servers is not considered private and Google Now is a online based app.

Nonsense Jim. Google does not "sell" data to anyone. They use data collected to target advertising. This is Microsoft PR shill at it's finest and they do the same thing with Bing.

Anything anyone posts online is not private. The majority of the world has their friends and relatives publicly view-able on Facebook. Google does not care who your mom is and if you use social media of any kind they probably already know.

Before I even looked at the author of this article, I knew it was Kev. The majority of what he posts here is either ridden with sloppy errors, misleading, or downright factually inaccurate.
I swear more and more of these articles are written via smartphones on the go. E isn't even near Y so it must be an auto-correct error which, obviously is quite ironic. Journalists have become so lazy and have the worst excuses as they claim that they don't even have time to use a spell-checker, let alone actually proof read their own article. Whatever happened to 'Pride in your work'? I would be so disappointed in myself to find this sort of error in my forum or even Facebook comments, let alone published articles that I get paid for.
The only reason I read the article was because I was hoping it would make some sense of the title.Of course, it was just the writing of a dim-wit, but at least I got an answer.

Considering that Google owns the largest web advertising company in the world, they sell the information for marketing through those companies.

Otherwise I would love for you to explain how my GMail spam started getting emails from random people with my friends and families last names even though I never give my personal email out to anything, I have a decoy for it.

Every web based company sells and makes money off of you as do others, Google included. They also make money by selling you to companies to advertise to you.

It is how they make money.

BTW, I never mentioned Microsoft and I am pretty sure Bing does the same thing, the only difference is that Microsoft has other means to make money and does not solely rely on advertising revenue like Google mainly does.

Again, they sell targeted advertising based on data, not personal data to third parties. There is a very big difference.

I've never gotten a single spam email on my Gmail from anyone.. Ever.. Now let me clarify that. I've never gotten an email from someone that I did not specifically give my email address out to and I've been deeply embedded in the Google ecosystem for years. If you're getting them, it's because your email has been compromised by someone else. Google actually does a great job of filtering out the crap so you never see it.
I want GoogleNow to open up my apps or settings or such. I tried that in Moto X but it returns Google Search results. I was really impressed with the always-on voice command though.
I know, these writers at Toms are waiting for Google to produce some sort of error checking app which will dot their "i"'s, lower case "j"'s and cross their "t"'s. Meanwhile, they sure are neato to print out and color in all the letters. Occasionally, we get an article that makes sense from start to finish, no typos.
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