Your connection is not private

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Jun Ho

Dec 28, 2015
Hey guys, yesterday I've installed a new motherboard on my computer.
So I had to fresh install my Windows 10. But after that when I try to browse the internet this error occurs "Your connection is not private", saying there is someone trying to steal my informations", on like every website I try to visit, even Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and other trustable websites.
Using Chrome by the way. But had the same issue on Edge.
I've checked my system time, and it is set to automatically adjust, and seems okay.
The only way I can browse it normally is disabling my antivirus (Kaspersky) ports monitoring.
I'm not comfortable doing that.
Do you guys have any clue what it might be?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for you help guys.
The solution was to disable encrypted connection scanning by Kaspersky.
This option was causing the websites not to load properly.
After disabling it, everything went back to normal!
It sounds like Kaspersky may be over eager in warning you. Most regular websites don't use HTTPS and aren't private. Are you sure you are using the latest version of Kaspersky?
Please give the full information concerning the not private warning: what reason does it give? Do any sites list an incorrect certificate?
Another thought is what kind of network did you setup? Work, Home, or Public? These are Windows based schemes "for your convenience." Usually during installation, or when the OS first detects a new network connection, it will ask you what "location" to set it as. If you are set to Work or Home, then the network type is not the problem. Using Public is intended for use in internet cafes and such. Primarily these effect file sharing preferences. Worth a look if you are not sure.

Other than that, I agree with Calculagator about an over-zealous anti-virus. There may be a setting in Kaspersky that is slightly off. I would look for anything related to warnings and monitoring internet connection. You may be able to dial it back a bit without disabling it.

Another thought, did you get Google Chrome from Google themselves, or from a third party, bundled package, java/flash install, etc.?

Thanks for you quick reply!
I've tried that now, but it didn't work. 🙁

Yes sir, I'm using the latest version of it, downloaded directly from their website.
Here is a picture with the same error that I get:
Thanks for the fast reply!

Thanks for your reply!
If I remember correcly, I didn't choose any kind of network when I was installing the Windows, I just installed the LAN drivers and it connected automatically.
On my network information it shows as a "Private network" thought.

The only way I can make it work is disabling the antivirus ports monitoring, but I've just called their customer support and they said that is not recommended.
I don't think they are aware of how to fix it, since the representative just asked for my system informations and asked me to wait for their response.

I've installed directly from Google sir.

That's exactly the error I get.
I don't know if this might be the problem, but I'm running my OS in english, even though I'm from Brazil.
So, the system date format is different from where I live, same as the clock format.
The date and time are correct, Apr 19 16, and the time is set as brazilian time zone.

Here is some more detailed information I've found by clicking on the error report:
Issuer: Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate
Expires on: 29 de abr de 2016
Current date: 19 de abr de 2016

Hope this helps!
I can not imagine that using a different language pack would cause this kind of error. If the date and time, and the timezone are all accurate, then that should not be the problem. You have certainly found a tricky problem. I will do some more research. In the meantime, have you run a full system scan with Kaspersky lately? Maybe try Malwarebytes as well. I think that I may smell something foul here. The picture that you posted says "" and yet the details that you provided say "". This may be a virus. Was the detailed information from clicking on the error report from the same page as the picture that you posted?

I'm very confused too, I don't know how an antivirus can cause a problem like this.
And I'm 100% sure that my date and time are correct.
I run a full scan with Kaspersky today, no viruses or anything like that. I've fresh installed my Windows yesterday from a USB media, I don't think I have any viruses on my computer. The first thing I did after install my LAN driver was to install the antivirus.
Oh sorry, about that, it was my fault actually.
I've posted that picture because it was in english, so you guys could understand.
As I said I'm from Brazil, and the Chrome errors are shown in portuguese.
The information about is mine.
Sorry for the miscommunication!
And thanks for you effort on this! Really appreciate!

Ohh! Sorry about that, I was pretty sure I responded to you, my mistake! Yes I did like you said, but it didn't work. 🙁
Top suggested fix, change date and time. You say that you have already ensured that it is correct, so that is not the problem. Second fix, make sure that you have an internet connection. If you ran those CMD commands ("ipconfig /release" and "ipconfig /renew") then you would have noticed right away if you had internet connection issues. Third thing, check firewall settings. You want to make sure that "avp.exe" is allowed in your firewall settings.

Issuer: Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Root Certificate
This is your problem. Your connection is not private: Kaspersky is decrypting all of your secured traffic. You can probably "fix" this by adding their root certificate to your trusted certificates. That may be as easy as reinstalling.
In my opinion, however, you are better off removing Kaspersky completely. There is no perfect virus protection, but I think that the Windows Defender built into Windows 10 is sufficient. Microsoft has no financial incentive to scare you with false-positive warnings, and you can be sure that Windows defender will always be fully compatible with Windows and the rest of your programs.
Thanks for you help guys.
The solution was to disable encrypted connection scanning by Kaspersky.
This option was causing the websites not to load properly.
After disabling it, everything went back to normal!
Glad to hear that you were able to resolve the issue. I still recommend keeping a secondary manual scanner on hand, like: Malwarebytes free edition, ComboFix, or SUPERAntiSpyware. Just in case you need one.
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