Your Next Giant LCD Could be Made by Foxconn in USA

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I will never buy their slave made products.
Well if they're made in the US, they won't be.Although I would prefer an American made product by an American company than from some Chang Chong corporation.
@deadmeow chances are you already have...and will continue to do so. They are the number 1 manufacturer in consoles and apple products as well as many of the oem motherboard brands.
@popatim: $10/wk must be the wage of 20 years ago. Current wage in China is ~$150/wk, and ~$200/wk for high skilled workers, lol. In the eyes of capitalists, it is all about cost. In the past 10 years, China's average labor cost has been tripled, so has the transportation cost across the Pacific Ocean. Thus it makes sense to move the heavy items manufacturing back to the States, where the market is. Same practices are also applied to Japanese, Korean and German car manufacturers. On the other hand, light and high-margin items like iPhones can still afford to be made in China.
I will never buy their slave made products.
Well if they're made in the US, they won't be.Although I would prefer an American made product by an American company than from some Chang Chong corporation.
I admire that you want to support American jobs but you don't have to be such as racist with your comment

I dont think he was trying to be racist, i think its just a typeo. there really is a TV brand called Changhong.
I find it funny that Terry Gou and Kuo Ming-Chi have the same last name, but completely different spellings. As for the topic at hand, maybe Foxconn can buy downtown Detroit and turn it into Shenzhen #2. Minimum wage is better than no wage and an apocalyptic wasteland.
So... Where in the US are we going to receive a gracious increase in the suicide rate?
The funny thing is, if you crunch the numbers, Foxconn workers in China are actually LESS likely to commit suicide than the national average. Sure they may have a 'high' number of suicides, but they have hundreds of thousands of employees. So on a per employee basis the rate is low overall.I came to this conclusion (when I ran the numbers last year) by taking the overall number of suicides per year at Foxconn (which was published in a Tom's article sometime a while back), divided by the number of employees. Then I compared this value to the average rate in China that I could find online. So not exactly scientific, but overall a decent picture of what is actually going on. Now if you look at specific 'problem' factories then maybe there are places with far higher rates.

Actually the last I heard Foxxconn paid their factory workers $350/Month and that salary was much higher than the avg. Too bad this is still below the minimum wage in the USA. Things must have really escalated for them to actually be considering a plant here. Usually the do so only to ease import restrictions or appease our government. For example car manufacturers are limited on how many cars they can import here unless they also have a plant here. LoL
(My Gti is 1% American and I was told by a vw rep that the 1% is actually a handful of bolts so they could bring more in. lmao)

You know, I do find the people talking about slave labour and all that a bit unrealistic. They get $150, $250, $350 a month or whatever it is and that's horrible, right? Well, if it's so horrible, why aren't they looking for a better job? Simply put, because that IS the good job. The company offering that worker $350 a week is the one that is offering them more than they could get elsewhere.

Still think it's horrible? Ok. In order to improve things, someone needs to offer them a job that pays them better wages. Since you're obviously really upset about it, why not offer to let them compete for your job - then when they offer to do it for a dollar less per hour and no overtime or health benefits and your arse it out on the street, you can feel very righteous. Sound good?

It's not that I'm insensitive to the plight of these people and that I don't wish better for them... It's more that, this ineffectual stomping of feet and holding of breath and righteous outrage typed from "slave" made keyboards on "slave" made computers while we all live our cushy western world jobs while blowing our excess money on crap we never came close to needing is ridiculous. What's more ridiculous is, after our little tantrums, expecting others to do something about it while we continue supporting the system that makes it possible with our cushy lifestyles - but HEAVEN FORBID someone take away my iPhone/Android/Surface/GEForce whatever/Asus this/Samsung that/etc etc.

When you talk about this like your opinion is worth a damn, ask yourself, what have you done to change this? I mean, really done, other than do the internet equivalent of throwing a tantrum, all the while supporting the status quo where it really counts, with your credit card when you're buying something from the checkout? I doubt many of you who seem upset by "slave labour" and whatnot are more than talk.
I will never buy their slave made products.
Well if they're made in the US, they won't be.Although I would prefer an American made product by an American company than from some Chang Chong corporation.
I admire that you want to support American jobs but you don't have to be such as racist with your comment
Well then I apologize to you tului. I jumped to conclusion to quickly.
@gm0n3yDirect comparison between the rate of suicide at Foxconn and average rate in China has potential pit fall.People working at Foxconn are very selected group of people. It excludes those who had significant medical illness, old people, unemployed etc. These people had higher suicidal rate than general population. Those who are young and employed could be less likely to commit suicide.The crude suicidal rate at Foxconn is not horribly high anyway.
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