Z97M Pro4 and Corsair RAM


Nov 21, 2013
Hey guys..
I was thinking of changing my m/b to a ASRock Z97M Pro4 for my 4790K , because my current GA m/b has all the voltage messed up..
I looked on the Memory Support List and my current Corsair MY8GX3M2A1600C9B Vengeance Pro ram are not on it..

I know that it is not possible to list each and every ram from every manufacturer , but before I bite the bullet , I would like to know if I'm to have any problems..
So if anyone has the same setup or any input at all,I'd appreciate any info on this..
What mobo do you currently have? Can reset the CMOS to put all at defaults and then see how it looks, also check and see if you have the latest BIOS - that may be causing the current problems, the Vengeance Pro sticks should be fine with basically any Z97 mobo
I have the gigabyte Z87M-D3H...I've tied resetting CMOS and loading defaults but it messes up my volts..I have the latest F11 BIOS.
It says that my m/b sets VCore to 2.220V..It maybe a sensor error,I know,but in HWinfo it states that my Vcore is that much., and has my correct volts under Core # VID , which I know after disabling all C states in BIOS that it is 1.147V..In the end , after running simple tasks as 2 antivirus programs,my temps rise closely to 50-60c!!I have a H75 in p/p together with Gelid Extreme thermal paste for cooling,which I believe is more than adequate..Stress testing @stock with Prime95 quickly rises the temps up to 90c!!
I understand that Devil's Canyon runs hot,but I do not want to delid my chip,and I'm getting worried..

That's the reason I've been thinking of buying the Z97 m/b and keep the GA for another rig I want to do..

Thanks for your input :)
I think I'l do that..I just staed =having BSODs when gaming with this as the reason :
"This was probably caused by the following module: hal.dll (hal!HalBugCheckSystem+0x1E3)
Bugcheck code: 0x124 (0x0, 0xFFFFFA800D121028, 0xFF800000, 0x124)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\hal.dll
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL"

And by the way,I'd appreciate any input on that particular m/b too,since I can't seem to find any reviews for it..