

Apr 18, 2006
Not impressed. Took twice as long to get my stuff from ZZF than my newegg stuff.

Video card was DOA, and hopefully nothing else. Used their rma form, haven't heard a thing and it's been days. I emailed them previous to this requesting shipping info, no response. No support on weekends either.

They suck. Now I have to pay for shipping both ways, IF they finally get back to me with an RMA number...


funny i used em for a CPU, Motherboard , Headphones, DVD Burner all fine

Newegg i got a DOA Videocard...guess its luck of the draw 🙁

note i got more crap from newegg about trying to RMA or whatever the videocard they wanted me to pay a 15% restock fee, luckly after i talked to a customer rep and said that the Card was DOA and it wasnt even shipped right (it was just in a box with no air bags/penuts and it just bounced around)
and it wasnt an OEM either it was a HIS Excailbur 9800Pro
I agree, how come New Egg is the only one that does it right? I orderd a CPU from Monarch on Monday morning, but when I checked its status 24 hours later it was still being "processed". Unsatisfied with that, I went to Zip Zoom Fly and ordered the same processor from them at about 8:30 am Tuesday and got the $1.99 2-day FedEx shipping. At about 2:30 pm the status on my order from ZipZoomFly appeared as "shipped". Call me crazy, but I would assume that means the CPU has been shipped.... you know, physically left the facility, in transit, or at least somewhere near FedEx's facilities. Well, a tracking number never appeared until about 5:00 pm on Thursday afternoon, saying that it had entered FedEx's system at 3:12 pm Thursday, more than 48 hours after ZZF had said it was shipped. In the mean time, I had cancelled my Monarch order, mistakenly thinking that if I ordered something on Tuesday and got 2-day shipping then of course it would be here by Friday. Well, live and learn. I called customer service twice and both of them just said that policy dictates this.......blah, blah, blah. The first guy, who I think was new, said that it had been on back order and that was why it was delayed. So, I asked him why it said it was in stock on the website and why my order status was on "shipped" only a few hours later. He changed the subject. I asked for a supervisor both times, the first time I was just put on hold for 10 minutes and the second time she hung up on me (after refusing to give me her name). I based my trust un ZZF on the only previous order I made about 6 months ago where they did pretty good, 3 days to process, ship and deliver, but I must have just gotten lucky then. Need I mention what a hard and long process it is to get an order cancelled through Monarch, but that's another story for another day. Live and learn, I guess. Incidentally, anyone know where I can get an Athlon 64 x2 4400+ overnighted with Saturday delivery, seriously.
i havent ordered from them in a while but last time i built, i ordered parts from them and newegg on the same day and got them both a few days later. maybe i was just lucky.
price for being cheap:

first few purchases were ok and then these last past months just angers me:

bought an xfx 9600gt, rebate never came, arrived to me on day 7... fine whatever...
bought a Seagate 700gb for 70 bucks, the enclosure wasn't working, was unable for repair, returned back told me to contact the manufacturer, had to buy new enclosure. total cost: 120 for a 500gb external hhd... ok whatever... as long as the inside works...
bought a 160gb ata laptop hhd for 55 bucks, item never arrived, never returned my money
waited 1 week, asked them they said 1 more week, item now canceled, said 1 more week...
IF money goes in so easily into company, why is it so hard, so long to return money to their original owner?

3 strikes your out!
Beware to all buyers!
ZZF turned sheety

by whom? careless workers who works in California ripping of people off... Tampered? are u kidding me? NEXT TIME FIX THE PHUCKING CONNECTOR i don't care about the scratches of the PHUCKING external case/ minor scratches?!

as long as the external structure is intact and the internal is intact and not broken in half shouldn't you atleast look at it and try to repair it atleast?

atleast compared to newegg, they were kind enough to pay for my rma shipping and restocking fee when i had a motherboard that wasn't working...

i will give them 3 more days... if they do not return my money, im contacting the

then closing my zzf account...

i always ship in priority main 2-3 days, newegg returns the favor
zipzoomFAIL does not, they will return your main in 5-9 days usually 9 days
and shut the hell up with ur mailing excuses holiday bs its not even a holiday!

angry customer here!

PS: their emailed prices on promoted products were also wrong...