Zoomed Video problems


Aug 8, 2006
I am having problems with windows media player. Whenever i try to play anything in wmp the video looks stretched. This has been going on for a while but i never really cared since i dont use it that much. But i just bought a new TV card and the video is just like how it is in the wmp. Now i know its nor the videos because i have this other app called "media one" and when i play these video in that app they are fine and mpegs are also fine in quicktime. I tried swtiching to media player 10 but that didnt work out please help me out.

Edit: GC drivers are forceware 9371 and evga 7600GT
I dont even use wmp but like i said the new TV card(ATI TV Wonder 200) that i bought has the same problem the image is zoomed to the center and i cannot zoom out. I thought maybe the problem was related. And i had the wmp 9 i just downloaded and installed wmp 10 it didnt help
not sure what you mean by you can't zoom it out? you know your tv card has a resolution cap right? have you check your tv cards settings for capture? wide screen or normal screen etc. ?
yes i know about wide screen and normal ratios i tried them and it doesnt work if this only happened in the ATI media center i would mess around with the card but it happens with the wmp so i think it is related and when i say its zoomed i mean the image looks as if it was zoomed to the center and i cant get it to zoom out no matter what i do