I have a lenovo Q190 with Multimedia remote that is backlit sure you can buy a stick,set top box for much less but none of them come with a hard drive and a real OS you can use this as a desktop PC powerful enough to play games.
I use it for XBMC it is very quick for such a computer win8 boots in less than 3 secs and you can load any other OS if you want as well.
I had a boxee but now there is no more support and it is very limited compared to XBMC best thing is i can load anything XBMC,openelec,linux any distro,windows media center,Plex,boxee,mythtv,hulu desktop, and much more.
The multimedia remote is best i have seen so far the optical thumb mouse is nice and keyboard much easier to type on than boxee remote.
Trying running office on a roku not going to happen sad thing is lenovo discontinued the series it was best seller for small pc's they had there are still some stock around you have to really look around though.
One really neat feature the remote has a 3 mode power switch on with no back light,on with back light and off to save battery life.