The Windows 10 BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO error is less welcome that most other errors because it appears so serious. Usually caused by a file integrity error or corrupted registry or MBR, there are a few things we can do to fix it. So if you’re seeing this, here is how to fix the Windows 10 Bad System Config Info error.
There are a couple of things we can do before we have to resort to a rebuild. Some will involve messing with the registry, so if you can boot into your computer for any length of time, it might be useful to save anything you don’t want to lose, just in case.
Fix Windows 10 Bad System Config Info error
These tasks are in order of seriousness. Try one and retest before moving on to the next.
1. Click the Windows Start button and then Power.
2. Hold down the Shift key while you click Restart to boot into safe mode.
3. Reboot once more into normal mode once the safe mode desktop has fully loaded.
Booting into safe mode and then back out again can fix more errors than you might imagine. It’s always a good place to start.
1. Boot from your installation media and select Troubleshoot instead of Install.
2. Select Troubleshoot, Advanced options and Command Prompt.
3. Type or paste ‘bootrec /repairmbr’ and hit Enter. This will rebuild the Master Boot Record.
4. Reboot your computer and retest.
Repairing your Master Boot Record may fix the issue too but it isn’t the most reliable way to go. However, as it is less serious than a system restore it is definitely worth a try.
1. Boot from Windows installation media and select Troubleshoot instead of Install.
2. Use Windows System Restore. Choose to keep your files and settings and allow the process to complete.
System Restore will rebuild your computer from installation media, hopefully overwriting the corrupted file. Otherwise:
1. Reboot your computer until you see ‘Preparing Automatic Repair’. It usually takes three attempts to get this message.
2. Select Advanced options, then Troubleshoot, Advanced options and Command Prompt.
3. Type or paste ‘cd c:\windows\system32\config’ and press Enter.
4. Type or paste ‘MD backup’ and press Enter.
5. Type or paste ‘copy *_* backup’ and press Enter. The window will show the files as they are copied. Wait for them to finish before proceeding.
6. Type or paste ‘CD regback’ and press Enter. You should see copies of your registry files with a number next to them. If that number is no 0, continue.
7. Type or paste ‘copy *_* ..’ and press Enter.
8. You will be asked to confirm copy, type ‘a’ and press Enter.
9. Reboot your PC.
You should now boot into your desktop and not see the error any more.
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