Depending on what Samsung phone you use, you may only have 32GB of internal storage to save all your games, movies, music and Oculus goodness. Wouldn’t it be great if you could save Gear VR games to your SD card? It would free up internal storage for your phone and you could buy anything up to 256GB of storage on an SD card.
Unfortunately, you cannot save Gear VR games to your SD card. Oculus are aware of the situation and say they will look at adding it at a later date. At the time of publishing, there is no way of saving anything for Gear VR onto your SD card.
Even utilizing adoptable storage won’t work as Oculus will not install anything onto the card. It will only use internal storage. Your only option is to shift anything that will move onto your SD card to free up space in your internal storage. It does seem quite the oversight by Oculus and something we hope they will address in a future update.
Adoptable storage
Adoptable storage is a tweak that allows Samsung Galaxy phones to include both internal memory and SD card storage as one pool. However, it doesn’t always work on the Galaxy S7. If you would like to learn more about adoptable storage and how to get it working, visit this website. I couldn’t get it working on my Galaxy S7 but your mileage may vary.
I want Oculus to address this issue soon so will be revisiting the subject regularly. I will update this tutorial if anything changes.
Want to learn more about the Gear VR? Try ‘What is Samsung Gear VR Comfort Mode and how to use it’ or ‘How to use Oculus Video on your Gear VR’.