Recent content by AftaabAhmed

  1. A

    [HELP] needed in assembling a new machine for Gaming.

    Hello there, Since my old system is officially dead. I am now moving forward to assemble a new budget system for gaming purpose. I live in India so it would be helpful if you could help me with Indian market price of computer parts. My budget is 35,000-40,000 Indian national rupees which...
  2. A

    [HELP] needed in assembling a new machine for Gaming.

    Hello there, Since my old system is officially dead. I am now moving forward to assemble a new budget system for gaming purpose. I live in India so it would be helpful if you could help me with Indian market price of computer parts. My budget is 35,000-40,000 Indian national rupees which...
  3. A

    After BIOS settings change, no display

    I will try and borrow a GPU from my friend to check if my GPU is faulty or not.
  4. A

    After BIOS settings change, no display

    changing the RAM frequency in BIOS could lead to the damage of CPU? I think damage to motherboard is more logical.
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    After BIOS settings change, no display

    Do you think my GPU could be faulty?
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    After BIOS settings change, no display

    Hi, I went into my Bios and there was an option of Ram frequency which was by default set to automatic, I changed it to 1066 mhz. Thereafter, I saved and exited bios to my surprise the display won't show on the monitor and the CPU fan, GPU fan and everything else works except for keyboard and...
  7. A

    Wanting new graphics card

    The gtx 760 is a lot better than r7 260x for around 150$ Benchmark of 260x vs gtx 760:
  8. A

    Bad graphics card recognition?

    R7 250X is rebranded 7770. Both are same cards, however, you problem may be due to driver issues. If your system has Catalyst driver then uninstall it completely and reinstall it then see whether windows recognize it or not. You can also download GPUz application and see through it whether or...
  9. A

    Need help with graphics card, gaming

    whats your budget and whats your Power supply unit? If your budget and power supply is low then get Radeon hd 7750 which doesn't consume a lot of power and can run even on 250w psu, but take note that you can't do 1080p and ultra settings with this card. It is for med settings and 900p resolution.