Recent content by Baddern

  1. B

    Best free video editing software

    Hitfilm 4 Express
  2. B

    Corsair h100i compatible case.

    What about Corsair 270R, also a windowed version.
  3. B

    Compatible PSU Wattage?

    Yes it is more than enough wattage.
  4. B

    Is this build optimal for 144hz gaming at 1440p?

    Thats a beast build, I would go with the 1080ti though.
  5. B

    100$ Processor fan

    A cryorig h5 or a h7 would be good if you dont wanna oc.
  6. B

    Upgraded My RIG is this good?

    Whats your budget? You also need a different motherboard for that cpu, a LGA1151
  7. B

    Corsair CX550M PSU for my new 1060

    Yes it will be fine, its a good psu
  8. B

    Im newbie. Is this a good a gaming PC?

    Buy a g4560 instead, they have roughly the same performance and the g4560 is much cheaper.
  9. B

    Is this legit.

  10. B

    Is this legit.

    I am looking for a cheap extended mouse pad, and saw a Razer Goliathus getting sold new by someone for like 5.95 dollars on amazon. Do you think its legit?
  11. B

    What to upgrade in Dell XPS 8700

    Will the Dell Motherboard fit in a In Win 703?
  12. B

    What to upgrade in Dell XPS 8700

    I have a Dell XPS 8700 and I am getting a new gpu soon, a GTX 1060 3 GB so scratch GPU from the list. My budget is 60 dollars with a little wiggle room. I live in Norway but can also order from Amazon etc, all sites that ship to Norway on a free fee. I was thinking about upgrading the case...