Recent content by bmost4395

  1. B

    Question Is my PSU enough to run with these 2 GPUs

    I just wanna use for this thing other than it laying around picking up dust haha
  2. B

    Question Is my PSU enough to run with these 2 GPUs

    Been running it for a year and no more than 4 months
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    Question Is my PSU enough to run with these 2 GPUs

    I see why your confused Sorry did not add that I want to be recording with OBS And gaming so my 1080 FE and cpu will not be dragged down by the process but instead the 750 would be doing all that work. But what I'm doing is not the question. The question is would my PSU have enough power.
  4. B

    Question Is my PSU enough to run with these 2 GPUs

    I just found out my extra GPU that is sitting and gathering dust is a GTX 750! I was wondering if my EVGA 600w 80+ can handle both the GTX 750 and my main GTX 1080 FE I'm wanting to encode video using the 750 Specs CPU: Ryzen 5 1600x Ram: Corsair rgb pro 2666 oced to 2900 Gpu: 1080 FE PSU: EVGA...
  5. B

    Question Some of my ram is bad. But which ones are bad?

    I can see that definitely. But what are you saying? It seems to be working now and windows diagnostic says no errors with all 4 sticks
  6. B

    Question Some of my ram is bad. But which ones are bad?

    I have not had any problems yet and I've had an up time of around 3 or 4 hours. The other day all 4 sticks would cause a Blue screen and now it seems to be stable
  7. B

    Question Some of my ram is bad. But which ones are bad?

    Alright I did another test with all 4 sticks... And no error this time??? Could there have been dust or something in one of the slots causing this? Or should i suspect there is still problems here? I'd like to go on pushing the ram to at the least 2600MHZ with its 3000MHZ on the box. How should...
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    Question Some of my ram is bad. But which ones are bad?

    Okay so this is weird. Last night I tested all the ram switching around and all that jazz.. After testing all the ram 2 at a time... NO errors... But when all 4 are in... It says i have failing ram??? Is my ram broke or what? This is so confusing
  9. B

    Question Ram is lower than stock

    2133MHZ is stock DDR4 speeds. If you are running a ryzen system I've read that its hard to get the sticks to run at their on box speeds.
  10. B

    Question Corsair h100i v2 vs Corsair h100i Platinum RGB SE

    Personally I'm running an h80i on my Ryzen 5 1600x and while streaming I have not seen it go above 70c Well... I've never seen it go over 70c I believe since they have a larger radiator it would be much more efficient then my h80i (I'm no expert. Just from experience) and my idle temps are...
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    Question Some of my ram is bad. But which ones are bad?

    Bought 2 ram kits (CORSAIR - VENGEANCE LPX Series 16GB (2PK 8GB) 3.0GHz DDR4) So I can finally have 32 gigs and some good speed. Was hoping for luck with my ryzen system. was trying to hit 3000mhz which i know is a pipe dream with a ryzen system. was staying at pretty safe voltage. No farther...
  12. B

    Question Could these two different ram packs work together no problems? PNY - Anarchy 16GB (2PK x 8GB) 2.4 GHz DDR4 DIMM Desktop Memory Kit - Blue (Already have this one)...
  13. B

    Laptop replacement LCD help

    Trying to replace a screen of a MSI g60 2qe Apache Pro. I see screens meant for this laptop but will any screens for the G60 line work? Like would this one? its 30 pin which is how many pins it has i believe Its 2pc not...
  14. B

    Need help with rubber banding issue in gaming

    Hello, I recently noticed that I am having Rubber banding issue with Fortnite and PUBG. Now you may say thats normal for Pubg. But on the same network I'm playing with my Brother in-law who has a very smooth experience and sees my character just stop every 3 seconds which is how the "lag" Or...
  15. B

    Is my gaming rig dead?

    I recently began having problems with GTA 5 it would run perfectly with the settings I had. Now it drops frames and freezes. It pretty much crashes my computer when it freezes. My computer was pretty dirty the temps got pretty high with my cpu(fx 6300) The temps got up to 78c. It could of gotten...