Recent content by Brandon2016

  1. B

    Reinstalled windows, no video output from graphics card or igpu

    I recently reinstalled windows on my machine, and during the first time boot with my gpu installed (xfx rs Rx 480) I wasn't getting any output. No problem, I took out my graphics card and used the integrated graphics of the CPU. This worked fine, and I was able to get into bios and windows...
  2. B

    WD Black 1TB slow and unresponsive, always at 100% with no background processes

    My ~8 month old hdd has been unresponsive since I reinstalled Win10 on my SSD. I did not format the hard drive before I reinstalled windows, as there are no system files on it, only game and media files. Whenever I try to move, copy or delete any of the files on the disk, the window becomes...
  3. B

    How to allow standard users install applications permissions

    My parents want admin privileges on my PC so that they can set time restrictions, but it is inconvenient and unnecessary to have to ask for an admin password every time I want to install an application. Is there a way to keep the time restrictions whilst also allowing all users to install and...
  4. B

    Newly built custom PC not turning on at all, no fans or lights of any kind

    Connected mobo, target boot ssd, usb with disk image, psu, cpu and cpu cooler, and ram. All connectors have been double checked to ensure they are in the right spots and all parts were put into place carefully with anti-static measures taken. When power button is pressed, absolutely nothing...
  5. B

    Looking for a pc that can handle at least 4 disk drives

    I am looking at building a custom pc for a friend, and they say they are looking for at least 4 disk drives. If anyone has any recommendations for motherboards, cases, etc for this build, they would be greatly appreciated.