Recent content by Brunostako

  1. Brunostako

    Choosing a gpu

    Get the GTX 1080.
  2. Brunostako

    Upgrading my system

  3. Brunostako

    Upgrading my system

    If you're gonna recycle your components, these are the only parts you need: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel Core i5-6400 2.7GHz Quad-Core Processor (€192.84 @ Mindfactory) Motherboard: ASRock H110M-ITX/ac Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard (€91.84 @ Mindfactory)...
  4. Brunostako

    Upgrading my system

  5. Brunostako

    Intel i5 5200U VS AMD A10 7400P for video editing?

    I would say: the Asus with the A10.
  6. Brunostako

    Upgrading my system

    Where are you from? It isn't gonna be possible to keep your PSU if you want to upgrade to a modern high end GPU.
  7. Brunostako

    An Little Upgrade (A8-7650k+8GB DDR3 2133MHz)

    It's always a good idea upgrading the PSU to a good one, it's a very important component that could keep your system stable or could fry it. For just those components, i recommend getting at least a 400 W 80+ Bronze PSU from XFX, Antec or SeaSonic. If you tell me your budget (the amount of...
  8. Brunostako

    a gaming pc under £600 (about $830)

    What does that budget includes? Just the tower or full PC (monitor, peripherals, etc.)?
  9. Brunostako

    Advice on Build?

    If you can pay that price, then go on. That build will give you enough performance for many years.
  10. Brunostako

    Is upgrading from an A8 7600 to an A10 7850k worth it if i have a GPU???

    Definitively, no. It's not worth the buy. You barely see any improvements. Better start saving for an i5 or for the Zen platform.
  11. Brunostako

    First Build, will this build work?

    The only CPU brands available (for consumer) are Intel and AMD. The reason that i'm suggesting the Athlon is because SOME modern games don't run on dual core CPUs (like the Pentium), while the Athlon it's not the strongest, it's a quad core and it performs more than enough for 1080p gaming...
  12. Brunostako

    Phenom II X6 1055T vs fx 6300

  13. Brunostako

    First Build, will this build work?

    This would be better: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: AMD Athlon X4 860K 3.7GHz Quad-Core Processor ($74.88 @ OutletPC) Motherboard: Asus A68HM-K Micro ATX FM2+ Motherboard ($47.88 @ OutletPC) Memory: Mushkin ECO2 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($29.99 @ Newegg)...
  14. Brunostako

    Pc build question

    Cuando se hace OC, a veces el consumo aumenta de forma no lineal y no se hasta cuanto tienes planeado llevar a ese i5 y/o a la GTX 970. No te sabría decir que tan buena es la marca Enermax en PSUs, hay que investigar. Generalmente recomiendo XFX, Antec, SeaSonic o EVGA.