Recent content by Calvin3200

  1. Calvin3200

    I tried to overclock and now my pc turns on and displays nothing plus my keyboard just stopped working

    Take the little battery out of your motherboard, wait about 10 seconds, then put it back it. It will reset your BIOS.
  2. Calvin3200

    SLI High GPU Core Clock

    Running windows 7 Temps are noticibly higher - at idle and during usage Did everything there and got the exact same result - 135 with SLI disabled, 950MHz with SLI enabled. Is this an nVidia SLI issue? I have no idea what else to try here...
  3. Calvin3200

    SLI High GPU Core Clock

    I am using afterburner - not overclocking, just monitoring Unchecked sync cards - no changes Uninstalled everything nVidia - it reset itself to an older driver - 347.52 and the clock was at 135Mhz - SLI disabled. Enabled SLI and it jumped to 950MHz again. Not familiar with CCleaner, and how...
  4. Calvin3200

    SLI High GPU Core Clock

    When I was running 1 card it was around 100/200 or something at idle - nowhere near 950MHz
  5. Calvin3200

    SLI High GPU Core Clock

    It's set to "Span displays with Surround". I'm running 3 screens - 6040x1080.
  6. Calvin3200

    SLI High GPU Core Clock

    I recently added another 970 to my system, and now I've noticed that my core clocks are idling at 950 instead of much lower when I only had one card. Ran into this issue years ago with my 480s, but it only took a driver reinstall to fix that. Now, I've reinstalled the latest driver, clean...
  7. Calvin3200

    Suggestions on where to learn all of BIOS features

    Your best bet is to read the manual that came with the motherboard...
  8. Calvin3200

    PSU for triple monitor (sli?)

    If you haven't already, make sure that you get 3 of the EXACT SAME monitor. If one is different than one of the others, the color and brightness will not match up perfectly, and it will drive you crazy. I have the Gigabyte G1 970. Rarely will I temporarily overclock it.
  9. Calvin3200

    how do i run the disc clean up

    Don't delete your thumbnails while you're at it...
  10. Calvin3200

    Are my case fans in the correct way or should they face the other way

    The one in the back should be blowing air out of the case.
  11. Calvin3200

    PSU for triple monitor (sli?)

    I have 1 970 for a triple monitor setup (6040x1080 - bezel corrected), so I know what I'm talking about. Using Star Wars Battlefront, I was getting 60fps on "High" settings. Yes, 1000w is overkill, but you can never have too large of a power supply. Having 1000w would allow you to SLI 2 very...
  12. Calvin3200

    HELP PLEASE= PC only turns on for half a second then turns off. See details below.

    It's your power supply. Had that same issue myself a few weeks back. Replaced the PSU, and everything worked perfect after.
  13. Calvin3200

    Best $100 Modular Power Supply

    I'll second that and recommend EVGA as well. I have the 1300G2... no complaints.
  14. Calvin3200

    X99 orange light

    It's just a standby light... can't turn it off, it's just there. If it starts to drive you nuts, you can put a small piece of black electrical tape over it.