Recent content by Calvin7

  1. C

    Question My 4th RAM Slot can't read the ram, but show up in bios as 16gb but only 8gb available as the rest are hardware reserved

    TDZRD48G3200HC16C01 Looks like you buy modules sold as Singles. Maybe someone else knows. The combinations you make are not guaranteed to be compatible together.
  2. C

    Question Getting IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL after PC overhaul

    i3 does not use 2666MHz memory. It may not run well if your forcing that speed.
  3. C

    [SOLVED] 8GB of Hardware Reserved RAM

    Such combinations have no guarantee to be compatible together. You can play around and you may get different results at different times.
  4. C

    Question Can i mix my ram?

    Combination has no guarantee to be compatible together.
  5. C

    [SOLVED] Ram reading lower then it should

    Adding extra memory has no guarantee to be compatible with existing memory.
  6. C

    [SOLVED] Can i use my ram 2x8 GB 2133 HyperX FURY with B460M Pro4 + i5-10400F?

    Memory modules sold as Single Modules have no guarantee to be compatible together when used in multiples. HX421C14FB/8
  7. C

    Question Crashing with different error messages

    The installation of Windows on a NVMe drive may be a problem, if the installer doesn't know what their doing.
  8. C

    Question PC doesn’t boot after updating BIOS.

    Manually setting memory frequency to 3200MHz without setting DRAM voltage is likely to result in the memory not working. It appears you don't know how to properly set the memory in the BIOS.
  9. C

    [SOLVED] can i combine these different size ram sticks?

    That kind of combination has no guarantee to work together.
  10. C

    [SOLVED] Cannot install Windows 10?

    Set BIOS to UEFI Only (page 66 BIOS Setup - manual) NVMe drive is ONLY storage drive connected. Install Windows 10 from USB with UEFI support:
  11. C

    Question 3200mhz Ram running at 2133Mhz

    32Gb (4 sticks of 8gb) of Corsaire Vengeance LPX 3200mhz No part number, so I don't know what you bought. Apparently. it's not a single kit.
  12. C

    [SOLVED] Help, Motherboard not detecting M. 2

    Install Windows 10 from USB with UEFI support. The M.2 drive is the only storage drive connected.
  13. C

    [SOLVED] Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX 2x16GB not running at 3200

    Ryzen 7 2700X - AMD - WikiChip See Memory Configurations Table
  14. C

    [SOLVED] Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX 2x16GB not running at 3200

    Not all Ryzen CPUs run at that speed. Which one do you have?
  15. C

    Question Did the shop break my PC?

    I discueessed the RAM later on Combination looks to be incompatible together.