Recent content by constantine_99

  1. C

    Question Black screen occurence when gaming

    I've already asked my local seller, the edition in my country comes with HDMI instead
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    Question Black screen occurence when gaming

    Recently bought a new 144hz monitor, works fine in all cases except when playing games, in which the black screen issue would occur from time to time... Basically the display would went black for 3-5 sec, with the game still running just fine (i can move, shoot, etc) after which the display...
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    [SOLVED] Weird FPS problem on my gaming laptop

    FOUND THE SOLUTION!!! apparently a guy has created a modified BIOS which unlocks most of the BIOS setting, giving us the flexibility to adjust things out, he also increases the thermal limit for the RX460 and also it's core/memory clocks this is the link to his GitHub page...
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    [SOLVED] Weird FPS problem on my gaming laptop

    to update this post (since I don't want to keep editing the main post and make it even longer) and the current situation, I found a few things that do help me gain some extra performance (on certain cases) 1. iGPU usage must be as low as possible in order to draw more fps from the RX460, I...
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    [SOLVED] Weird FPS problem on my gaming laptop

    As I've said before, I already did that (the switching to high-performance part) Also, I've mentioned that the RX 460 is rendering the games (the fps can and does peak to 90-100s), however it's seems to not utilizing its own VRAM (the 4gb GDDR5) which might be the cause of the massive spikes...
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    [SOLVED] Weird FPS problem on my gaming laptop

    EDIT 2: ok after some research, i found out that regardless of the situation, the R7 would always be used since the display's only connected to the APU, however, during intensive task like games, the RX 460 supposedly would "come and help" with the rendering task [basically, it's not "switchable...
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    Ryzen 1200 or G4560 for streaming

    go with a R3 1200 / 2200G real cores are always better for multitasking, get them whenever possible, + u can OC it for some extra juice :) you can wait for Zen+ if u're not in a rush, it's next month and it should impact the other Ryzen product pricing
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    how can I increase my performance on my 1070 max q laptop

    1. change power setting to high performance 2. maintain a good temp to keep the performance high (though based on what u said, i think the laptop already did it) 3. clean up any background apps that are using your laptop's resource 4. play with the charger plugged to make sure the system never...
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    PC Noob trying to upgrade his Computer

    1. yes you can, as long as the mobo had PCIe slot and your PSU had enough juice, you can... although i can't say about the BIOS support of the mobo for the GPU 2. for a RX 460/1050 it's possible, but a 1050ti will most likely be bottlenecked by the CPU
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    How do i make my old pc fast

    if u're on a tight budget and your target is only fortnite, csgo, and titles like that, u can go with something like R3 2200G / R5 2400G build upgrading that 15 years old PC won't do you any good there's a slim chance that the fans could still work, the case might also usable but honestly...