Recent content by DeckZPC

  1. D

    Question Major under-performance from GPU ?

    it has 2 years left on the warranty and if thats not the case im gonna refund it cause they said it has 2 years left on warranty so ill try that if it persists
  2. D

    Question Major under-performance from GPU ?

    what is rma sorry im new to pc stuff
  3. D

    Question Major under-performance from GPU ?

    just really quickly just downloaded msi afterburner and even if i overclock its locked at 139MHz do you know how to fix also mem clock is 405 sometimes jumps to 805 for a split second
  4. D

    Question Major under-performance from GPU ?

    ok thanks sorry for the late reply i have a warranty on it so i might send it back to them for them to test in a different system and if its the gpu being faulty they will send me a new one so then i know if it is my gpu model, my system, or if its faulty
  5. D

    [SOLVED] In this climate, is prebuilt worth it?

    honestly idk i feel like a better graphics card in that one but yea thats upgrade potential
  6. D

    Question Major under-performance from GPU ?

    im sorry i dont understand much does boost clock auto turn on/off?
  7. D

    Question Major under-performance from GPU ?

    nvm i just realised it has multiple cores :tearsofjoy:
  8. D

    Question Second Monitor Keeps Disconnecting

    as in on press f2 or del to enter bios screen
  9. D

    Question Second Monitor Keeps Disconnecting

    try using dvi monitor and than go back idk thats weird does it show second monitor on boot?
  10. D

    Question Major under-performance from GPU ?

    ok so i will look into that but when i looked in ai suite for idle temps i saw that my gpu clock is at 139 MHz even though it said it does 1200MHz on product
  11. D

    Question Second Monitor Keeps Disconnecting

    try restarting your drivers by doing this: Win+Ctrl+Shift+B: the screen flickers, there's a beep, and everything is back to normal immediately.
  12. D

    Question Installed new CPU, now PC won't start with RAM OC XMP enabled

    whats your PSU (list brand and model names)
  13. D

    [SOLVED] In this climate, is prebuilt worth it?

    what country do you live in so i can see if i can find a build and a website to buy them and also how fast would you need it. and most the time prebuilts seem good in specs but those specs could be a brand that didnt do well with them bad combo etc
  14. D

    Question Major under-performance from GPU ?

    ik but i dont think it should be under peforming this much and under full load it maxes out at GPU:50-55 CPU: 55-64ish
  15. D

    Question HDD constantly at 100%

    go into settings then system then storage scroll down and under more storage settings it should say "optimise drives" try doing that on the faulty drive. and if that doesnt help maybe try 1: updating windows in settings (if available) or 2: reinstalling windows. hope this helps!.