Recent content by Dr Acula

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    Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 (rev. 4.0) Bios/Ram/Cpu FX 8350 voltage problem !

    i did lots of things: several memtest. sinnce a week. contact gigabyte, corsair and AMD per mail or tel. im here to ask users who have FX8350 and this MB
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    Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 (rev. 4.0) Bios/Ram/Cpu FX 8350 voltage problem !

    memtest = ok if i set the VCore to 1.45then i can play BF4, Metro last light. RAMs are 100% ok
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    1000 Dollar Budget PC

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    Issues with overclocking FX-8320/ Gigabyte 990fxa ud3 Rev 4.0

    i have FX-8350 and according to AMD:" it has a default voltage 0.880v - 1.42v in "auto" mode. but mine is definitely undervolted. its set to 1.368v in Vcore but bios shows 1.344v. so i can not run 4 modules of RAMs @1333 or 1600. Auto VCore = 0.888 - 1.344 v 1333 RAMs need 1.380 - 1.430 v 1600...
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    1000 Dollar Budget PC

    MB and RAMs have almost no deterioration. almost all RAMs have life time warranty. buy them used in ebay;). but MB only ASUS. dont go with cheap taiwan shit(gigabyte) or asrock. i had many of them and over 90% always problems. they have several revisions for a simple Mb !!!! and still beta...
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    Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 (rev. 4.0) Bios/Ram/Cpu FX 8350 voltage problem !

    Can anyone pls help me and test a thing. my FX-8350 is running with 0.880v - 1.344v VCore on Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 (rev. 4.0) in "Auto mode". and it's set in bios in "Vcore" option as 1.368v and in bios is showing as 1.344v. 1) can u confirm my VCore values too? 2) what if u change your...
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    1000 Dollar Budget PC

    i bought my MB and RAMs used. so you save money up to 40%. search in eBay and dont hurry ;)
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    1000 Dollar Budget PC

    your PSU ist very good. but if you dont want CF or SLI in future.
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    1000 Dollar Budget PC

    what platform do you like? AMD or Intel? do u have any experience with one of them? with 1000$ you can buy a really nice system. whats is more important, the look or the performance? i will prefer you R9 290x, but 280x is also perfect. i will recommend XFX r9 280x black double dissipation...
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    Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 (rev. 4.0) Bios/Ram/Cpu FX 8350 voltage problem !

    hi i bought 4x4Gb =16GB Corsair Vengeance (cmz8gx3m2a1600c9) and got Bluescreens. always after first start-up i got BSOD and then auto reset and no BSOD more ( even with Aida64 stress over hour) till i shut down the pc again for over an hour . then if i turn it on i get BSOD in Win withing first...
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    RAM compatibility with GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD3 MB

    Hi Your FX CPU doesn't support 1866MHz because you have 4 slots. FX possibilities: 1) 2x 1866 on a motherboard with 2 DDr3 slots 2) 2x 1600 ................................... 4 ................ 2) 4x 1333 ................................... 4 ................ Reference: (grey table)...
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    Compatible RAM with Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3

    Hi Your FX CPU doesn't support 1866MHz because you have 4 slots. FX possibilities: 1) 2x 1866 on a motherboard with 2 DDr3 slots 2) 2x 1600 ................................... 4 ................ 2) 4x 1333 ................................... 4 ................ Your possibilities: 1) set the...