Recent content by DragonChase

  1. DragonChase

    What PSU should i get?

  2. DragonChase

    What Should I Upgrade First?

    Your PC will last a very very long time, may i ask what PSU you have?. I dont know how the other person can speak for the case if all you said was: stock case. Its horrible advice to even begin about the case like that. Obviously your doing fine, let me know what PSU you are using atm. GPU then...
  3. DragonChase

    What PSU should i get?

    Picked the solution because there isnt much to debate about atm, your PC does use more then the average PC and some may say 750w is overkill. But this price and quality is very nice and enables you to add a second GPU in the future.
  4. DragonChase

    IS my CPU dying?

  5. DragonChase

    Are these Seagate Barracuda HDD's good deals?

    Ya those are good deals. Intellipower is just a bad marketing move to sell less powerfull hard drives, there have been reports of WD drives running at 5000 rpm.... apparantly its meant to save power but there is actually no way to tell externally how fast a WD actually is. I would go the safe...
  6. DragonChase

    IS my CPU dying?

    Download "Realtemp" and let me know what tempratures your CPU runs with and without a game running. Also download GPU-Z to check your GPU's tempratures. Be sure to check mark "log" so it will log tempratures in a file. Let me know the tempratures and i can help you out. i DISRECOMMEND gaming...
  7. DragonChase

    can my pc support this type of ram?

    It will work dont worry, the motherboard will downscale your Ram to appropriate speeds. Why do you actually want more expensive and faster ram?.
  8. DragonChase

    How much power do I need?

    If you are a beginner i disrecommend getting a macbook. You will find lots of software not working on your macbook, esspecialy when you are still learning, you might want to use the same software as the tutorial provider. The reason why this question has not been answered is due to the lack of...
  9. DragonChase

    Can i do this?

    It depends on your components. Assuming you have a CPU with onboard graphics then you can use the CPU and GPU to both give off a separate image. You may want to check other topics like this one:
  10. DragonChase

    How Do I Move My Steam Games?

    I dont understand why even move the games, you dont really have to. Open steam: Settings > Downloads > Steamlibrary folder > add install folder. Done... i have games on 2 hard drives as well. Everytime you will install a game it will now ask to pick one of 2 locations.