Recent content by Eldy

  1. Eldy

    Which 1080ti to purchase?

    I am going to be purchasing a 1080ti shortly, and am a bit confused with what i should get. afaik a lot of the 1080ti's perform roughly the same, but would it be worth going with a hybrid card for better cooling or going with something a bit fancier in the aesthetics department? I am currently...
  2. Eldy

    New PC Build

    That system looks fairly good, only thing i could comment on is the lack of storage space. a 256GB M.2 drive unfortunatley is not really enough, considering some AAA games these days can be 70+GB. Maybe look at getting a 1TB HDD to go with the M.2 drive for storage of games/other things
  3. Eldy

    Blue Pixels on screen

  4. Eldy

    Thoughts on 2011-3 motherboards?

    I just purchased myself a corsair 900D and am about to go ahead and upgrade a lot of other components in my machine. I was thinking of getting one of the 2011-3 motherboards, just because they look so good, (and aesthetics are important to me). I have been "out of the loop" in regards to the...
  5. Eldy

    RUST fps drops

    That is most likely from loading in game objects when you come into range of them. The worst problem ATM is massive bases. A big base can leave you helpless for as long as it needs to load all of the entities that are contained / parented to the building
  6. Eldy

    This build can handle a 144hz monitor?

    Depends what games you want to play & at what resolution / quality you want to play them at. I doubt You would be able to play majority of AAA titles on medium to ultra settings and get 144+ FPS, but lower end games / general use would definitley be a lot more enjoyable at 144hz ;)
  7. Eldy

    should i replace my cpu or my motherboard

    thats awfully strange that your getting a high ping even when in a single player envionment when the connection is not external from your own network... Have you already tried verifying the game files via steam?
  8. Eldy

    Gtx 1080 or 660 (my use case).

    JBDelta has a good point, if its working fine and you don't see the need to upgrade, why do it? But on the other hand, if you are getting a good enough price for the 1080 you will get a lot more enjoyment out of it & will be "future proofing" for your continued years of gaming (if you continue)
  9. Eldy

    Blue Pixels on screen

    Try these steps: 1. Pull out your video transfer cable and put it back in (making sure you do so correctly) 2. Re-seat your graphics card (if step 1 didn't change anything) 3. Do a clean install of your video drivers (if the above didn't change anything) 4. Exchange the video transfer cable...
  10. Eldy

    is my graphics card compatible?

    If your graphics card can fit into a PCI-e slot on your motherboard and you have the sufficient power from your PSU to power it, it will work. You RAM will not change the compatibility of your graphics card at all.
  11. Eldy

    What is better value for the money..

    Well here's a comparison on the 1060s... i would personally go for the 6gb model if you can afford it
  12. Eldy

    should i replace my cpu or my motherboard

    I can't really see why your CPU would be causing this problem... are you able to download / use other internet utilities at full potential? It could just be something with your counterstrike settings, or you could be connecting to foreign servers. Also, check if other devices are having the same...
  13. Eldy

    Looking for a specific mount for my situation

    I currently own 3 1920x1080p monitors but feel that i need an extra monitor above my existing three because my workspace can get cramped sometimes. Was wondering if this would be a viable thing to do, but more importantly, if there are any mounts for my situation. My situation: There is a glass...