Recent content by Futuristic_MC

  1. Futuristic_MC

    [SOLVED] 60 hz with 1440p on 4k TV ?

    Well I went into the settings on my tv and found a setting called HDMI UHD Color so i turned that on and that fixed my problem it looks like
  2. Futuristic_MC

    [SOLVED] 60 hz with 1440p on 4k TV ?

    I am using a 4k TV to game on while I am away from home, my PC can't handle games at 4k resolution so i want to turn down the resolution to 1440p. When I do that I can only run at 30 HZ. I have been trying to add a custom resolution in the nvidia control panel but its all blurry so how do I do...
  3. Futuristic_MC

    Question How to edit money in "Deer Hunter 2018" IOS?

    Is there any way to edit my ingame money with any software? I have tried Ibackupbot by backing up my phone to my PC and looking through the game files but that software may not be capable or i'm not looking in the right spot. Also if the data is stored online it might not be possible.
  4. Futuristic_MC

    Is this "Outsource Data Recovery" service a good company?

    I have a 240GB Corsair Neutron XT SSD and it failed on me and i''m not able to access the data on it. I plugged it in to my computer with a external drive adapter and I get nothing. But anyway I found this company that says they will "repair" your drive for $60, not recover it, but it will cost...
  5. Futuristic_MC

    I get 0x8007005 error when installing apps on a different drive.

    So apparently it was a file named WpSystem with with nothing in it that caused the error. I deleted it and it created a new one and it worked fine.
  6. Futuristic_MC

    Will any of these programs cause the 0xc0000005 error?

    Oh man this is gonna take a while. You know how many passes it does till its done? It's only done 3 passes in 9 hours. I have 32GB 3000MHz and Ive ended it 2 times because it takes so long. So i'm gonna wait till I feel like waiting forever till I let it run.
  7. Futuristic_MC

    Will any of these programs cause the 0xc0000005 error?

    I have had this error with multiple games and it gets so annoying especially when your in the middle of something. I know for a fact that the only game i'm sure of that has never done this is Project CARS. All of my games are not listed because I have them on a separate drive and I reset my PC...
  8. Futuristic_MC

    I get 0x8007005 error when installing apps on a different drive.

    Hopefully, but I was able to do it with that same update though.
  9. Futuristic_MC

    I get 0x8007005 error when installing apps on a different drive.

    So when i try to install any app or game on my drive a certain drive, right at the end of the download it gives me the 0x8007005 error. I will click retry and it will download about 12 MB of something but do it again. I can do it on other drive but not this one. I was able to do it before I...
  10. Futuristic_MC

    (Noob) Do I need a new Motherboard?

    I would say it's your mobo that's the problem since the onboard graphics don't work and you don't hear any beeps it's probably dead. This happened with an old alienware of mine, the mobo died and no beeps and the onboard graphics didn't work. So I got a new mobo and worked fine.
  11. Futuristic_MC

    DSL splitter compatible with bonded ADSL

    Yah I'll probably buy another surge protector and a newer model of that NID so i can mount the CBM's and have it look clean.
  12. Futuristic_MC

    DSL splitter compatible with bonded ADSL

    Oh I see now, mine is the 95S-1-01-0 with all green and red posts. and that one is the 95S-1-11 so I guess i need to probably buy that right? this is what i have:
  13. Futuristic_MC

    DSL splitter compatible with bonded ADSL

    hmm well that's frontier for ya. But if that's a filter/splitter then why do we need them on all the jacks in the house, or is that because its not hooked up right. Do you mind drawing some lines and diagramming exactly what I need to do on this picture? This is what is on our jacks.