I get 0x8007005 error when installing apps on a different drive.

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Jul 19, 2016
So when i try to install any app or game on my drive a certain drive, right at the end of the download it gives me the 0x8007005 error. I will click retry and it will download about 12 MB of something but do it again. I can do it on other drive but not this one. I was able to do it before I refreshed windows though and it it worked fine but not now. Also I have 3 drives, A 240GB ssd for OS and few apps. A 2TB hard drive for programs, and a 4TB drive for games which i'm trying to put the apps and games on. Right now the apps are on the 2TB one.
If you installing them off the store, there is currently a bug that was introduced with the Anniversary edition of Win 10 that stops you installing store apps on other drives. Before the anniversary edition you could do it so I can only guess it was unintentional.

There is a new version of Win 10 due next month so can only hope it is fixed then.
So apparently it was a file named WpSystem with with nothing in it that caused the error. I deleted it and it created a new one and it worked fine.

Jesus god, thank you. This error code is really generic and pops up all over the place, so finding solutions to the specific issue of it being thrown when downloading Windows Store games to a separate hard drive was tricky, but this 100% is the solution. Rename the folder, the store will create a new one and games will be able to properly install.
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