Recent content by gear999

  1. gear999

    Question PS2 displaying in only black & white through composite cable

    That's what I feared. I was hoping there wouldn't be much of a difference in terms of output but that does make sense. I'll grab one of those PAL to NTSC converters soon. Thanks for the answers guys!
  2. gear999

    Question PS2 displaying in only black & white through composite cable

    I'm fairly certain it is PAL over there, so I don't know if me having a North American NTSC TV and composite cable would make any difference. I kinda doubt it, but I don't know for sure which is why I'm here.
  3. gear999

    Question PS2 displaying in only black & white through composite cable

    I forgot to mention that it was working perfectly back in Turkey on a TV I had there. I was playing Midnight Club 3 just fine. The cable is an original PS2 composite cable that I bought from a pawn shop today. It looks basically brand new. There is currently no possibility of getting the old...
  4. gear999

    Question PS2 displaying in only black & white through composite cable

    Hello people, I haven't been on this website in a while again, and I've come crawling back because I'm stumped about a Playstation 2 AV issue and none of the solutions already posted online have worked for me. I have a modchipped European slim PS2 that was given to me by a friend when I was...
  5. gear999

    Question i7 4770 overheating on stock cooler

    Hey all, I haven't been here for a while. I recently purchased my friend's old i7 4770 (non-K) off of him to pop in my PC just as a small update. I installed it tonight with the stock cooler (don't have any other ones) and I just hit 99c while playing Apex Legends for a duration of 5 minutes...
  6. gear999

    Is it worth it to upgrade my i5 4460 in the next few months?

    Well alright, I'll definitely evaluate my performance with a new GPU first to see how my system does. How would a GTX 1060 or RX 480/580 fare in my system? I usually play Rainbow Six Siege, PUBG and Forza Horizon 3. My PC does well in R6, but it's pretty bad when it comes to PUBG and absolutely...
  7. gear999

    Is it worth it to upgrade my i5 4460 in the next few months?

    As the title says, I am seriously considering upgrading my i5 4460, most likely after new years, when I will have the funds to do so. But is it really worth it? I find most of my games run well, the ones that don't are probably due to my old GPU (GTX 770 2GB, which I will most definitely upgrade...
  8. gear999

    [UPDATE: Computer works again] Computer randomly restarts

    Alright, so for those wondering, I fixed my problem, it turns out the PSU to mobo 24 pin connector had gotten loose. I reseated it and the computer is running fine, no problems whatsoever. I'll still check for random restarts and run Memtest86+ just in case though. For those having similar...
  9. gear999

    [UPDATE: Computer works again] Computer randomly restarts

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: I installed the new drivers and after restarting the PC myself I tried to run GTA 5 to test the temps and as soon as GTA launched my computer died, it suddenly turned off and now won't boot. Now my suspicion about the PSU is more than ever. What should I do? UPDATE 2: I just...
  10. gear999

    Bad frames on gta 5/v with a 970

    Well, it seems that your GPU score is OK, but your CPU score is very low for a 4770K. Others have been getting around 4000 points for the 4770K but you only got 3131 points. Now I'm not entirely sure what the problem could be there, either the cooler might have a problem which would make the...
  11. gear999

    Bad frames on gta 5/v with a 970 GeForce GTX 970&mode=advanced&cpuName=Intel Core i7-4770K Set max GPU number to 1 and compare your scores here. If you get substantially lower scores (especially on the graphics...
  12. gear999

    Bad frames on gta 5/v with a 970

    Hmm... then you might have to run some benchmarks and compare scores to similar systems. Try running 3DMark Fire Strike and comparing GPU scores with other similar systems. Your GPU somehow might be failing or there is something wrong with the drivers.
  13. gear999

    Bad frames on gta 5/v with a 970

    Is GTA the only game with bad frames or are there other suspicious games too? Plus did GTA just start getting bad performance or was it always like that?
  14. gear999

    Bad frames on gta 5/v with a 970

    As far as I know, you should be getting MUCH better frames more constantly, since my current system gets around 60 FPS at very high settings. What drivers are you running for your GPU? I'm running the latest and it works fine for me.