Recent content by georgecantbuildapc

  1. georgecantbuildapc

    Question Will the GTX 1650 Super ever restock?

    Ye, i've head that they are stopping making the whole range below the new 30 series, but they didn't manage to get the 30 series out quick enough and just messed it up...
  2. georgecantbuildapc

    Question Will the GTX 1650 Super ever restock?

    I've called a few places and apparently there will be no more GTX 1650 Super's made anymore, is this true? I have called 2 places selling the PALIT StormX manafacture of the card, and they both said they would not be restocking and that card, but the second seller said that they will stop making...
  3. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] GTX 1650 VS GTX 1650 SUPER (Features)

    I'm sorry I forgot a key part, I'm mainly thinking of features like Shadowplay and NVENC encoders, but if there is a big performance difference please not that
  4. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] GTX 1650 VS GTX 1650 SUPER (Features)

    I usually play CS:GO with my GT 1030, and I want to start playing Warzone and Apex with an upgrade, I was originally going to upgrade to the GTX 1650 Super, however this card is out of stock EVERYWHERE! Would buying the GTX 1650 with Turing features be a massive downgrade in terms of the games I...
  5. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] Can I replace a GT 1030 for a GTX 1650 SUPER?

    it says on the specs for my current card that it only has 4x active
  6. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] Can I replace a GT 1030 for a GTX 1650 SUPER?

    Hello At the moment I am running a Ryzen 7 2700X, on a Prime B450M-K, alongside a GT 1030 PNY Low Profile and I want to upgrade the GPU to a GTX 1650 Super! My PSU is a Corsair VS 550, and it has loads of cables loose, and I have seen online that it does have a 6 pin connector among those loose...
  7. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] Will the RX Vega 11 from a Ryzen 5 3400G be enough for streaming?

    Will the CPU encoding with one of the CPUs you suggest be better than the AMF encoding from the 3400G?
  8. georgecantbuildapc

    Question Does an old HDD cause stuttering?

    I have no idea with any clicks, and I didn't pick a prebuilt? A got a bargain for the Dell Optiplex 3020 from a school that was chucking them out, I don't have a new PSU from the one from the original Dell machine if that was what you were asking. The release date of the machine was apparently...
  9. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] Will the RX Vega 11 from a Ryzen 5 3400G be enough for streaming?

    My current rig is a Dell Optiplex (Small Form Factor) 3020 upgraded with a new GT 1030 Low Profile, an i5-4590s and an extra 4GB DDR3 RAM stick. I want to upgrade to a Ryzen 5 3400G as I am struggling to stream with my current hardware. I am aware with the new case, motherboard, and RAM changes...
  10. georgecantbuildapc

    Question Does an old HDD cause stuttering?

    My current rig is a Small Form Factor Dell Optiplex 3020, with some upgrades, 4 GB more ram (8GB total DDR3), a GT 1030 Low Profile, and an i5-4590s. My current Hard Drive has 100GB free space, and it is a 465GB Seagate ST500DM002-1BD142 (SATA ). I'm getting pretty horrific fps drops and...
  11. georgecantbuildapc

    Question Ryzen 3 3200G Relive Support?

    No, you don't understand, I haven't bought it yet, but does this work?
  12. georgecantbuildapc

    Question Ryzen 3 3200G Relive Support?

    Just a quick question, the Ryzen 3 3200G is in the list of my build, and i was wondering if it support AMD Relive or not? This website says it can encode (which i think means it can use Relive?) If not, can someone please link me a...
  13. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] Should I use old drivers for an old GPU?

    I've been struggling to use this, as in the log files for AMD relive, a common error happens, leaving me unable to record anything: CreateComponent AVC encoder failed Error:AMF_NOT_SUPPORTED PLS HELP
  14. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] Should I use old drivers for an old GPU?

    So I will receive the best performance with the latest drivers no matter the card? Also another question, I have an R5 240 which is apparently compatible with ReLive, I don't have the option.
  15. georgecantbuildapc

    [SOLVED] Should I use old drivers for an old GPU?

    Wow that was fast, K i'll check and it looks like I've already got them, just looking for the shader cache option on adrenaline