Recent content by jahlex

  1. jahlex

    [SOLVED] GPU both mounting holes were stripped out and now screws won't tighten

    But is it safe to leave it like this? If not should I leave it sideways until I fix the hole?
  2. jahlex

    [SOLVED] GPU both mounting holes were stripped out and now screws won't tighten

    I stripped out the mounting holes of my case and now the screws can't tighten my GPU in place, they still hold it in though just not tight enough. I have a few questions about this: Is it safe to leave it like this without doing any damage to the GPU or the PCIe slot? If not, will leaving my...
  3. jahlex

    [SOLVED] Micro-stuttering occurrs for half a second while loading the game

    It's a new system, also I just found the problem. It's happening because of my HDD. I'm gonna upgrade to a better storage device.
  4. jahlex

    [SOLVED] Micro-stuttering occurrs for half a second while loading the game

    All games basically. They stutter right after joining the world or when loading new chunks of the world.
  5. jahlex

    [SOLVED] Micro-stuttering occurrs for half a second while loading the game

    Is that normal? My specs are: RTX 2070, 1TB HDD, i7-9700F, 1TB HDD. I've read somewhere that this might be caused by the GPU loading all the assets into the memory, but other people said it's cause by the HDD. And others told me it's not normal. Any help is appreciated.