Recent content by jakobjanosi2

  1. J

    How much watts do i need?

    Hi. i was thinking of getting a rtx2070 or 1080. but when i sa some benchmark of the RTX2070 it said the the power it needs is around 200-300 watts. I have a 750 watt PS and my specs is (GTX 1060 6gb, Ryzen 3 1300x, HDD 2TB, SSD, 480GB, MP500 240GB, AX370 gaming K3) will i have plenty of power...
  2. J

    GTX 1080 or Ryzen 5 2600x?

  3. J

    GTX 1080 or Ryzen 5 2600x?

  4. J

    GTX 1080 or Ryzen 5 2600x?

  5. J

    GTX 1080 or Ryzen 5 2600x?

  6. J

    GTX 1080 or Ryzen 5 2600x?

  7. J

    GTX 1080 or Ryzen 5 2600x?

    So right now i have a GTX 1060 and Ryzen 3 1300x. My budget is 600$ but i dont know what to upgrade to. now i have money for a 1080. But i can only buy One of the items, so i can't buy both. If so i need to wait for like 4 month. Whats the best upgrade for a good gaming PC? More pecs info RAM...
  8. J

    gpu/gtx 1070/gtx 1080?

    So right now i have a gtx 1060 and Ryzen 3 1300x as many people know, if you have seen my other Q. Right now i have 648$ to spend on anything i want. I know this maybe sound so dumb but the RTX just got released....but is it still worth to buy a gtx 1070 or 1080 in 2018. How long will the...
  9. J

    Do i need to update my BIOS before installing the new CPU?

    So i have talked to some people and they say that i need to update my BIOS before installing the new CPU but do i really need to update the BIOS. i dont know how to do that and im scared to mess up!
  10. J

    I can't decide what to upgrade too!!

    So i have asked so many questions but it just goes up and down. I have asked "what i should upgrade and if i chould upgrade the gpu or the cpu, but right know everything looks good but one problem is when i'm playing GTA V with my friends and i have discord up. So when i play alone with only my...
  11. J

    New graphic card

  12. J

    New graphic card