gpu/gtx 1070/gtx 1080?


Jun 24, 2018
So right now i have a gtx 1060 and Ryzen 3 1300x as many people know, if you have seen my other Q. Right now i have 648$ to spend on anything i want. I know this maybe sound so dumb but the RTX just got released....but is it still worth to buy a gtx 1070 or 1080 in 2018. How long will the 1070/1080 hold, 1 year, 2 years? i know you sould have your PC for about 3 year before getting new parts, but of coures it depents if the rig is bad or not. But i dont want to waste money, 648 is all lot and i whant to be super careful when i buy thing to my PC. I have had my PC for about 1,5 years now and my games are working just fine but for other future games can my 1060 hold it and if not what GPU should i buy?

i have a 144hz monitor, but i use that so i dont get any screen tear. If i have a game that runs on over 60fps i will get screen tear....thats why i bought the 144hz so if i go over 144fps i will get screen tear but i know i will not go over 144hz in most games so thats why.