Recent content by Jay_67

  1. Jay_67

    i5 6600k / gtx 1080ti?

    well if its gonna bottleneck then ill just get a 7700k too
  2. Jay_67

    i5 6600k / gtx 1080ti?

    I got that same processor and plan on upgrading my 1060 to a 1080 TI next week.. I run games at 1440p 144hz.
  3. Jay_67

    ASUS 3007 BIOS/UEFI Update

    I updated from 2202 to 3007 this morning with the EZ update utility. It installed fine then it restarted went into bios and applied the update successfully. Then it failed to boot twice after restart on the third time it loaded up to an American Megatrends bios recovery screen. one option was to...
  4. Jay_67

    Cd drive will not open

    drive is probably busted.. bring it to your local computer shop, shouldn't cost much to have them replace it.
  5. Jay_67

    getting alot of event errors

    No I only shutdown from windows. I deleted the windows prefetch files and haven't had any errors since this morning if I get more I will try turning off the fast start up.
  6. Jay_67

    getting alot of event errors

    now it is saying fast startup has failed
  7. Jay_67

    getting alot of event errors

    Sometimes it will freeze for a second or two other than that I haven't noticed anything.
  8. Jay_67

    getting alot of event errors

    Hey guys, Just about everytime I go to turn on my computer I will get the same errors in the event viewer. One says "Windows failed fast startup with error status 0xC00000D4." The one after that says "The previous system shutdown at 6:58:42 AM on ‎12/‎8/‎2016 was unexpected. " Then it says "The...
  9. Jay_67

    Internet connection before/after sleeping pc

    Make sure windows is fully updated
  10. Jay_67

    Case fan turning itself off

    hello everyone, I replaced one of the front fans in my Antec 1200.. I have it plugged into my motherboard because it doesn't have a molex to daisy chain to the rest .. So I noticed when I put my computer into lock mode and the monitor goes into sleep mode the fan will also turn off.. but the...
  11. Jay_67

    Hard drive making loud clicking / scratchy noise

    It is ticking like a clock now