Recent content by jetfighter545

  1. jetfighter545

    Dell Laptop Overheating Easily And Without Reason

    I found the problem, in advanced power settings, the maximum CPU performance was set to 100%, whereas it should've been 99% to disable turboboost. This made a huge difference. SOLVED
  2. jetfighter545

    Dell Laptop Overheating Easily And Without Reason

    I should add that the GPU is nowhere near overheating.
  3. jetfighter545

    I have i5 processor with 8gb ram and 2gb of nvidia 940mx can I play assassins creed syndiacate

    Not very well, unfortunately. You'd get limited fps at medium and perhaps even low settings.
  4. jetfighter545

    Dell Laptop Overheating Easily And Without Reason

    I recently bought a new laptop from the dell official website; an Inspiron 7570 with these specs: i7 - 8550U 4-core 8-thread (pretty decent processor) 8GB RAM 250GB SSD 1TB HDD Nvidia Geforce 940MX GDDR5 It was a very reasonable deal for the price, especially considering its aluminium casing...
  5. jetfighter545

    Dual monitors affect gaming

    Because the motherboard output port that you are using for your second monitor uses the integrated graphics on your CPU, which is not nearly as powerful as your graphics card. Usually there are multiple ports for monitors on a graphics card but if there aren't then there's nothing you can do.
  6. jetfighter545

    Swapping graphics cards regularly?

    I have an old GTX 950 that I would like to use for mining cryptocurrencies half the time, and a new GTX 1060 that I would use for gaming. Will the drivers conflict if I just leave the 950 drivers on? Can I swap them frequently without trouble?
  7. jetfighter545

    bf1 ram question

    4GB is scraping the bottom tho, if you're running other programs you might have a problem.
  8. jetfighter545

    Opinions or Tips for my 2nd Build?

    If I were you I would wait for AMD's new generation of cpu's (RHYZEN) to come out as it may force intel to lower their prices.
  9. jetfighter545

    Keyboard typing wrong letters

    Lol, keep up the good work
  10. jetfighter545

    Keyboard typing wrong letters

    Weberdarren you are a legend. Keyboards and software things like this aren't my specialty. Have a nice day my dude
  11. jetfighter545

    Keyboard typing wrong letters

    My keyboard straightslash key (above the enter key) produces # when pressed or ~ when shift-pressed. Running windows 10, solutions are welcome.
  12. jetfighter545

    How do I check when a folder IS created?

    Another annoying thing with these type of programs is that they can be classified as a PUP so antimalware doesn't detect it. Windows defender usually does though.