Recent content by jinchuriki

  1. J

    [SOLVED] Weird sound issue

    So there is no solution whatsoever? Like is it by design now? Or it's a bug? This is freaking annoying, I use both my headphones and speakers, and simply switch the default sound device whenever I need. That's so stupid :\
  2. J

    [SOLVED] Weird sound issue

    Hey, I started having a weird sound issue for the past week. I'm having my headphones connected to the front aux ports, and my speakers connected to the rear aux port, been using this configuration for about 2 years now with no issues, I simply had to switch between them whenever I wanted to use...
  3. J

    Question Monitor HDD health?

    While I could connect the HDD to my windows machine and run it, I need a CLI solution for my NAS unfortunately. Thanks a lot for the help either way!
  4. J

    Question Monitor HDD health?

    Thanks for your help I really appreciate that....As I said previously, this is just some old HDD that I'm using for testing purposes on how to monitor an HDD, no important data will be stored on it. Is there some datasheet guideline or something I can follow so I could 'evaluate' my HDD's...
  5. J

    Question Monitor HDD health?

    As far as I can see, I think not? Not sure if I miss anything as I'm not familiar with that all that much. Here is the report: Thanks.
  6. J

    Question Monitor HDD health?

    Thanks for the comment, so yeah I do plan at the moment my backup strategy using a new 2x8TB hard drives on a NAS(as working drive and backup drive), and I'm just trying to understand in which state I should do something. I will probably have 'semi-important' data on the drives, and crucial data...
  7. J

    Question Monitor HDD health?

    Hey, I've set up a linux NAS and I'd like to get daily reports for the HDD health, I'm running a S.M.A.R.T test using smartmontools ( and I'm wondering about a few things... I was testing just some old 500GB HDD which I won't be using, but it was the perfect thing...
  8. J

    Question How to backup on a linux NAS

    Hey, I'm running a linux NAS with 2 hard drives, I want the 2 drives to be in 'sync' but - I don't want removed files to be deleted, only to be added(which is not exactly the same as mirroring) What I mean by that is: If I create a folder named test on 1 drive, I want it to be mirrored to the...
  9. J

    [SOLVED] Best way to use my backup drive?

    I already have my way of uploading important stuff to the cloud, is crashplan or carbonite any different than that? My internet upload speed is also sad, so uploading everything is not really a good option unfortunately(and I'm not even considering the costs).
  10. J

    [SOLVED] Best way to use my backup drive?

    Thanks :) I actually thought at first to use RAID1, but been advised to just do a regular backup instead as 'RAID1 is not a backup', even though I do think it is in a way, but that's just a pandora box which I don't think would be wise to open here ^_^
  11. J

    [SOLVED] Best way to use my backup drive?

    Thanks for the comments, I got a question about the NAS. So if I have my 2 HDD's on my NAS, is it enough to simply unmount the backup drive instead of manually plugging it off for example? Is that safe enough?
  12. J

    [SOLVED] Best way to use my backup drive?

    And if the drives would be in a NAS server and I'll only access it as a network drive? It's not that big of a deal connecting/disconnecting every so often, but that would just makes life a little easier. Thanks.
  13. J

    [SOLVED] Best way to use my backup drive?

    Thanks for the comment! :) Thought I don't think I'm really on the safe side of things(I do use torrents and stuff like that), I've never had any issues for the past decade or so of using that, so that's not really a concern to me. I'll probably just have both drives connected, thanks!!
  14. J

    [SOLVED] Best way to use my backup drive?

    Hey, I just bought 2x8TB hard drives, I plan on having 1 as a backup drive in case of failures. Here are the options I thought of: Having both drives always connected, and periodically backup from one drive to the other while the backup drive is on idle. Having one drive connected and 1 drive...
  15. J

    [SOLVED] Welcome screen taking long time

    Thanks and sorry that you had to write down all of this, but as I stated above it seems like I got it resolved already, I reinstalled bittorrent and faceit anti cheat, so I'm now trying to reinstall ubuntu 20.04 LTS to make sure it's actually the issue. Final verdict - reinstalled ubuntu 20.04...