Recent content by Joey Minnock

  1. Joey Minnock

    MBO for I5 7600 ?

    I am building a pc for a friend and it's been a few years, was wondering what would be the best decent motherboard at a budget price to go with an i5 7600 ? Thanls
  2. Joey Minnock

    Cloning HDD to SSD

    If I manage to clean install windows 10 onto SSD and boot off SSD, do I just hook up the hard drive after installation and continue as normal ?
  3. Joey Minnock

    Cloning HDD to SSD

    How would I go about a clean install with a USB ? Would I need a new serial code to install a fresh version of windows onto the SSD ?
  4. Joey Minnock

    Cloning HDD to SSD

    Hello, My SSD will be here soon and I'm wondering after I clone my HDD onto it, will I be able to delete what I don't need off SSD (All I want on my SSD is the operating system and a few games and programmes I use often) After I change SSD to boot in BIOS, do I have to delete boot files off hard...
  5. Joey Minnock

    High Frequency Gaming Monitor With Nice Colour

    The colours on that monitor are pretty bland and washed out
  6. Joey Minnock

    High Frequency Gaming Monitor With Nice Colour

    Hello, I was wondering what the best gaming monitor with a frequency over 100HZ and with a maximum of a 2MS (preferably 1) response time would be ? I want to use it mainly for CS GO, DayZ SA, Arma 3 and upcoming titles such as Star Wars BattleFront etc... Since, I play a lot of DayZ I'd love a...
  7. Joey Minnock

    Plastic Screws For Motherboard to case ?

    Well everyone, I believe I just went full retard mode recently. I think I fried my motherboard by not using any standoffs whatsoever, I was baffled by why my motherboard and replacement both had the same problem and now I realised why lol My replacement should be arriving soon and I was...
  8. Joey Minnock

    Motherboard Failed Twice ??

    Yea, I'm gonna get it RMA'D
  9. Joey Minnock

    Motherboard Failed Twice ??

    Here is a link to the exact model of power supply :
  10. Joey Minnock

    Motherboard Failed Twice ??

    I mounted the motherboard with plastic screws that came with my case, the board sat properly but could the plastic screws have caused a problem ?
  11. Joey Minnock

    Motherboard Failed Twice ??

    I am using an FSP 600 Watt power supply 80 plus bronze and ths smoke was coming from right below what I believe is a DDR3 Graphics card slot and is about an inch to the right of a capacitor , that slot isn't in use by the way, I have a ddr5 card Thanks
  12. Joey Minnock

    Motherboard Failed Twice ??

    Well lads, I bought an MSI Z97 PC Mate motherboard about 2 months back and when I got it it was defective on arrival (Wouldn't boot at all, no leds or anything), then i sent it back and got a replacement I believe (not 100% sure, it could have been repaired) The replacement was working fine for...
  13. Joey Minnock

    Random FPS Drops DayZ SA

    I usually get the drops anywhere really, it can't be my ram, that's 8GB gaming ram @ 1866MHZ I'm using , and my CPU is grand and my GPU, I might optimise it a little in my cfg file and turn down anti-aliasing a bit until they optimise the game
  14. Joey Minnock

    Random FPS Drops DayZ SA

    Well lads, when I play DayZ standalone, I get random FPS drops to 0 or 1 fps that can sometimes last 10-20 seconds. I get about 50-60FPS in country side an 20-40 in towns . My specs are an i5-4690K @ 4GHZ MSI GTX 970 8GB HyperX beast ram I was wondering could my slow hard-drive be causing these...
  15. Joey Minnock

    I5-4690K damage (Scrathed)

    Sorry I couldn't get a picture up lads , but I got thermal paste and installed the CPU and it is running perfectly !!! Thank You all very much for your answers