Random FPS Drops DayZ SA

Joey Minnock

Oct 20, 2014
Well lads, when I play DayZ standalone, I get random FPS drops to 0 or 1 fps that can sometimes last 10-20 seconds. I get about 50-60FPS in country side an 20-40 in towns .
My specs are an i5-4690K @ 4GHZ
8GB HyperX beast ram
I was wondering could my slow hard-drive be causing these issues
20-40 in tows is good, DayZ is prerelease and very buggy, there's apparently a glitch where it renders everything within your field of vision.
I'm running mine fairly ultra and get about 120-200 fps in country and down to 20ish in towns. Is the game on an ssd?

Do you get the drops randomly and anywhere on the map? It MAY be your amount of ram, but I'm not sure. It also could be the game :)
I've only played a little lately and did notice some drops but didn't actually pay that much attention to it.

My specs: i 4790K 4.8GHz, GTX 770, 16GB Ram, game runs from mechanical disk.
I usually get the drops anywhere really, it can't be my ram, that's 8GB gaming ram @ 1866MHZ I'm using , and my CPU is grand and my GPU, I might optimise it a little in my cfg file and turn down anti-aliasing a bit until they optimise the game

I'm not home now so I can't share my startup options, but make sure you've allocated enough ram and enough VRAM and that DayZ is using the max number of cores. If it is swapping/caching a lot from the disk to move data to the RAM that may be the cause of the drops if it's only using a tiny amount of it. Also see how much ram is actually available to you and the game. But I agree, 8Gb should be enough.

Sort of follow the below but play around with it to get better performance

"Steam’s launch options allow you to supersede the internal settings of whichever game they are applied too. To access launch options, you need to right-click on DayZ (or any game) within steam and select ‘settings‘. Now select ‘launch options‘ and you will be presented with a single line text-box. There are a few different launch options that are useful here.

-nosplash – removes the Bohemia Interactive splash page, letting you get into the game faster.
-skipintro - skips the intro, getting you into the game faster.
-noPause – keeps the game running while minimized or not focused.
-world=*empty – disables the map from loading on launch, meaning you get into the game launcher quicker, but loading the game will take longer.
-cpuCount=8 – set this to how many cores your CPU has. Most systems are either 2 (dual-core), 4 (quad-core), or 8 (octa-core).
-maxMem =8192 – set this to the total amount of RAM your system has, 2048 for 2GB, 4096 for 4GB, 8192 for 8GB.
-window - launches the game in windowed mode, if that’s something you’re looking for.
-noborder - launches the game in border-less windowed mode.
-exThreads=7 - set this to 0,1,3 or 7 – this is the amount of threads your CPU uses. Defaults to 3 for dual-core, or 7 for quad-core.
Feel free to copy and paste the below launch options into the box, but importantly make sure you change ‘cpuCount=4‘ and ‘maxMem=8192‘ to reflect your own system!


cpuCount – 2 (dual-core), 4 (quad-core), or 8 (octa-core).

maxMem - 2048 for 2GB, 4096 for 4GB, 8192 for 8GB.

So your launch options within the box should look something like this: -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=8192 -skipintro -nosplash -nosplash -noPause

- See more at: http://dayzintel.com/dayz-guides/dayz-standalone-performance-guide#sthash.3pU3OLZU.dpuf"
