Recent content by jonathani05

  1. J

    [SOLVED] PfSense on a low powered build

    About that I order a lot of things from China and i never had an issue with it. I did some research online and i found out that this board is actually from an Asus prebuild system so i'm pretty confident!
  2. J

    [SOLVED] PfSense on a low powered build

    Networking is my hobby. I want to upgrade my router without spending too much money . Also i want to have something that uses as low power as possible I found this product on AliExpress...
  3. J

    [SOLVED] HDD in computer that's always on

    I have a mini PC that's always on and it's been used as a home server. I plan to use 2 3.5 Hard Drives in USB 3.0 enclosures. One for my media and the other for my backups. Before you ask the PC has only 1 sata interface used by the boot disk, so I'm stuck with usb 3.0. I wanted to ask how...
  4. J

    [SOLVED] Accessing an IP outside DHCP range

    I recently bought a used network switch, but i'm struggling to access the web interface as the IP address is clearly out of my DHCP range (Starts with 169.254). I'm kinda new at this so any Ideas how to access the web interface?
  5. J

    Network dropping constantly

    The access points are on diffrent floors (that's the reason we have 2 of them) both of them have static IP's . I have noticed that changing LAN ports solves the issue. Looks like the combo box can't handle 3 LAN connections. Will a 8- port switch fix this problem?
  6. J

    Network dropping constantly

    I have installed a networking in a friends house. So basically we are using the combo modem/access point/switch box from the ISP. The box has 4 LAN ports. On 2 ports are connected 2 computers and on the third one we have a second router configured as an access point. We have trouble getting them...
  7. J

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Activating by itself

    I know that if a computer previosly had windows it will reactivate automatically. But isnt a little wierd that the laptops had windows 7/8/10 pro?? Some of them were pretty cheap! That is what confused me.
  8. J

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Activating by itself

    I work with maintaining computers and i often have to reinstall windows. My job is to erase the previous OS and install Windows 10 Pro inactivated and after that the user buys license and activates it himself. But the last 2 times while reinstalling a brand new copy of Windows 10 Pro freshly...
  9. J

    Office stolen key

    So here is what happend: My laptop was stolen 2 days ago. On it i had office 2016 pro plus. Now i need to buy a new one and i wanted to reuse the same key. I spoke to microsoft support and the lady a spoke to telled me that the key could not be reused because it is allready used (on the stolen...
  10. J

    Broke TV panel

    I think so But i have another question. Because i dont have the cash to blow on a new TV and to be honest nobody watches real tv we just watch movies do you think that is smarter to buy some cheap 100$ projector and use that for the next year or so until i save for aTV.
  11. J

    Broke TV panel

    I have a LG 42LB650V TV and today while repairing the backlight i accidentaly broke the tv panel and it shows only black lines. I want to know is it worth it to search for a replacment panel or should i buy a new TV. also if searching for replacment where do you think is the best place to buy...
  12. J

    Ryzen 3 1200 or 2200G

    I found an EVGA 500W psu.
  13. J

    Ryzen 3 1200 or 2200G

    I meant on PSU wattage no quality. I know that i can destroy my other parts with a cheap PSU.
  14. J

    Ryzen 3 1200 or 2200G

    So 2 sticks 4GB 2133Mhz will be enough, and plus if i'm not using a GPU do you think that i can save on the PSU?
  15. J

    Ryzen 3 1200 or 2200G

    And if i install 8GB and dedicade 2GB to the GPU you say that only 6GB will be usable to OS?