I fully realize how the title makes it sound like I'm trying to get into the onlyfans business, but this is actually a health matter, believe it or not.
You see, I want to start screening myself for potential melanomas. I won't go into uncalled-for detail, but some of the moles on my body feel...
Before I describe my problem, know that I DID google it and look it up here and nothing included the weird signs that my computer in particular has.
So, as of about a month ago, my computer started to periodically freeze. The display's state remains, but it's otherwise completely unresponsive...
It's rated at 700w.
The thing is, it refuses to work on the two rigs it refuses to work on even if I pull their gpus out, reducing their power draw to the mid 300s at most.
The ep43 rig draws somewhere around the high 400s under load, and the psu has no trouble handling it.
Basically, even if...
So, I have this antec vp700p which refuses to work with two of my machines, one with a z97-k mobo and one with a ga-ma67-ud2h mobo.
Keep in mind that it worked with the z97-k mobo which had 16gb of ram on it aswell as an i5 4690k and a gtx980ti, and several high rpm case fans, and performed its...
Dear diary, today I died.
I was killed by this thing <picture of distilled stupidity> in some arid place.
I leave all that I own to my cat guppy.
Goodbye cruel world
On a more serious note, you hit the nail on the head. I was looking at the friggin power usage, not at the...
Yet more problems. So I got new fans - two noctua F12s, one at 3000rpm and the other at 2000rpm. Now, before, I had 2 fans, one at the back and one at the top, and both were intakes. I replaced the back one with the 3000rpm one and installed the 2000rpm one with the original top one's splitter...
Back with yet more questions! turns out this thing generates so much heat that it causes artifacting and crashes when under full load for extended periods of time, and that's even when I set the fan speed to 100 in afterburner. Mind you, it is sitting at stock clocks.
Now the question is...