Recent content by Mechanics

  1. Mechanics

    I need help deciding.

    Just joking.. \\\ I really don't know ~
  2. Mechanics

    Laptop Buying Help

    Honestly if u can add 100$ Will run everything on...
  3. Mechanics

    15$ Exhaust fan

    Looking for a quiet but good fan is this good...
  4. Mechanics

    Asus gtx 980 Idle temperature Problem

    Just chatted with nvidia 80C temperature is fine you should start worrying at 88c + max is 98c before it shuts off ~
  5. Mechanics

    Asus gtx 980 Idle temperature Problem

    That's fine although your idle temps are weird 70c is fine.. I allow up to 75 for gpu
  6. Mechanics

    how to control CPU FAN i7 3770k

    my motherboard is z77 ds3h
  7. Mechanics

    Wierd question.. motherboad

    i own a z77 motherboard. When I turn on my PC I notice the motherboard looks like it's about to turn off but right about when its going to turn it turns on and continues. Technically nothing is happening during the process I can still see the bios loading up.
  8. Mechanics

    Cheap 15$ side panel fan

  9. Mechanics

    Cheap 15$ side panel fan

  10. Mechanics

    Cheap 15$ side panel fan

  11. Mechanics

    Cheap 15$ side panel fan

    What's a good side panel fan for 15$? My case is Elite 430