Recent content by N3rdR4ge

  1. N3rdR4ge

    [SOLVED] Green hue on right side of monitor. Keep or return?

    Bugs me too. It's definitely too noticeable. The sides feel too dark as well.
  2. N3rdR4ge

    [SOLVED] Green hue on right side of monitor. Keep or return?

    Hi, I have a new LG 34GP83A-B and it has a greenish hue on the right third as well as a slightly darker far left center. This is my thrid one at this point. The first one was alright with color uniformity, but had a dead pixel. The second one had the green hue on the right, more of a red...
  3. N3rdR4ge

    [SOLVED] New build recommendations?

    Thanks for the input! I actually like that cooler more. It's interesting they put a fan for the Mobo VRM.
  4. N3rdR4ge

    [SOLVED] New build recommendations?

    Hi, I'm putting together a high end build for when AMD releases their new CPU/GPU. Feedback would be much appreciated. Some notes about what I'm looking for: -Trying to make sure I'm not missing any of the latest technology. -Interested in raw performance over RGB lighting. -Primarily for...
  5. N3rdR4ge

    Question Help with comparison of monitors

    I wouldnt but refurb for a $30 difference (counting the rebate on the new one). Seems to be the same monitor, just different set of pics. also, warranty 90 day refurb, 1yr new.
  6. N3rdR4ge

    Which RTX 2080 to buy?

    i'll only purchase EVGA cards now after some not so good experiences with other brands. They have good warranty service and I've never received a bad card personally or through the company I work for...
  7. N3rdR4ge

    I upgraded my gaming rig ( new mother board, cpu, ram, and case and now I can't connect to the internet

    Intel LAN Drivers for N7 Z370 board, this is the direct download:
  8. N3rdR4ge

    [SOLVED] Good for gaming?

    I'd recommend something like this: PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant CPU: Intel - Core i7-9700K 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor ($399.89 @ Amazon) CPU Cooler: be quiet! - Dark Rock 3 67.8 CFM Fluid Dynamic Bearing CPU Cooler ($65.01 @ OutletPC) Motherboard: MSI - MPG Z390...
  9. N3rdR4ge

    [SOLVED] Good for gaming? is a decent starting point for a balanced system based on price. you can use to pick parts and customize a build. will help you compare parts. I'll make something up for you and post it in a few minutes.
  10. N3rdR4ge

    I upgraded my gaming rig ( new mother board, cpu, ram, and case and now I can't connect to the internet

    well that means there is none installed if you don't see the category. try installing it again. if your using the disk, instead, on another machine, go to the manufacturers website and put the driver on a flash drive.
  11. N3rdR4ge

    [SOLVED] Good for gaming?

    first things that come to mind. -i would consider a newer gen i7 (8th or 9th) for streaming and video editing. -kingston doesnt have the best track record for quality SSDs in my opinion. -128gb will fill up fast unless you are careful about putting things on your 1tb drive. -no mention of psu...
  12. N3rdR4ge

    I upgraded my gaming rig ( new mother board, cpu, ram, and case and now I can't connect to the internet

    which part? all of it? you can try in command promt netsh winsock reset then restart computer.
  13. N3rdR4ge

    I upgraded my gaming rig ( new mother board, cpu, ram, and case and now I can't connect to the internet

    power cycle means you unplug the power, then plug it back in. however, this doesnt apply since you have a red X. try going into device manager > network adapters and uninstall any ethernet adapters on the list (your old one is probably still there). then, reboot and install the ethernet driver...
  14. N3rdR4ge

    I upgraded my gaming rig ( new mother board, cpu, ram, and case and now I can't connect to the internet

    do you have a red X on the ethernet adapter on the bottom right by your time? also, did you power cycle your router?