Recent content by okcnaline

  1. okcnaline

    Question Underperforming/Bottlenecking PC?

    You should be getting a new PSU regardless. I'm only aware of one Corsair PSU that is designed to push only 350W and that PSU ain't good. Try disabling IGP in favor of PCI graphics in BIOS settings.
  2. okcnaline

    Question BSOD of hell. Gaming Laptop

    Can you try reinstalling the latest DirectX redistributable?
  3. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] Should Linux Mint 19.2 best be installed on 2 or 3 partitions?

    UEFI/32-bit EFI/legacy BIOS. Also, what I essentially said was EFI partition/BIOS read GPT partition, ext4 space, and swap. The standard setup. I don't know how it won't work.
  4. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] System will not post

    The last things left untested would be the motherboard and CPU itself. I would guess that the motherboard is dying. Try the CPU on another LGA1156 or the motherboard with some cheap Sandy/Ivy Bridge Pentium.
  5. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] Help please my system won’t load!

    Try updating the BIOS.
  6. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] What parts would you recommend for 24h/7 operation system?

    I assume you have unlimited budget. Just buy a rack and as many PowerEdge R7415 and drives as you need.
  7. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] Help please my system won’t load!

    It's been stuck on that screen that enumerates hard drives, right? You haven't seen the Windows logo in a while, I assume?
  8. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] Fake Tablet and how do I fix?

    Disassemble the tablet and someone could probably check the panel model and the chips that were in it. If needed, someone can probably even give you step-by-step on pulling the blobs and bootloader out.
  9. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] Help please my system won’t load!

    This suddenly got interesting... It hasn't been booting to Windows, right?
  10. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] Should Linux Mint 19.2 best be installed on 2 or 3 partitions?

    Which chipset? Either 50M EFI (format FAT32) /dev/sdb2, -5G ext4 /dev/sdb3, swap /dev/sdb4; or back up NTFS, 1M BIOS boot /dev/sdb1, 250GB empty /dev/sdb2, -5G ext4 /dev/sdb3, swap /dev/sdb4.
  11. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] If building a PC today would you use an HDD for files or just keep everything on SSDs?

    In terms of backups, HDD. I'd gladly sacrifice reliability for $10 1TB drives. It's not like I need them spinning that often.
  12. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] Help please my system won’t load!

    Possibly dying CMOS battery. Enter setup, exit, be on your merry way.
  13. okcnaline

    Question Mini ITX Gaming PC Built, would this work?

    The build's the usual. Nothing much to say. Also consider used X470 miniITX boards. If you're worried about temperatures, you also have the option of watercooling. It would take longer to heat on load. EDIT: Now that I think about it, what are you doing to warrant 32GB RAM?
  14. okcnaline

    Question "No Audio Output Device Is Installed"

    Go to Device Manager and check if there are any unknown devices or generic audio devices. Right click on the device and go to properties, details, hardware ID, and search that hardware ID. Also, specs?
  15. okcnaline

    [SOLVED] Christmas pc build

    It's as it usually goes. I would suggest finding used Ryzen 7 2700 to make build cheaper.