Recent content by onespeedbiker

  1. onespeedbiker

    Question Turning off Fast Startup ?

    FYI, Fast Startup loads an imagine of your last state when you shut it down; this can cause problems if changes were made that requires programs to reload it's files on the next start. One way to test if Fast Startup is causing issues is to use the Restart option. Restart bypasses FastS Startup...
  2. onespeedbiker

    Question Windows doesn't save any changes after a reboot ?

    Also make sure you use Restart, not Shutdown. Assuming you have Fast Startup enabled, it loads your current configuration into memory when you shutdown your computer for a faster start time and often doesn't remember some changes that needs a reboot to implement. Restart OTOH is designed to...
  3. onespeedbiker

    Question Go to Linux or should I forces update to Windows 11?

    May want to look into 0patch
  4. onespeedbiker

    Question PC boots normally, no crashes but . . . .

    Try removing the memory, clean all the contacts (90% rubbing alcohol and qtips works well) and reinstalling them. If it continues test the RAM.
  5. onespeedbiker

    Question Can't log in into my pc

    There are several documented fixes for this issue. Here is one, if it doesn't work do a web search for more possible solutions.
  6. onespeedbiker

    Question How to prevent the laptop screen going black after closing the lid ?

    Try setting the screen to extend mode when you close the lid, use Windows key + P and select the Second screen only option.
  7. onespeedbiker

    Question Has anyone ever had any issues installing Windows 11 from a USB bought direct from the Microsoft Store? What about this issue? Apparently if you install Windows 11 from a USB with the wrong updates included it can be bad.
  8. onespeedbiker

    Question How to force an old GPU into task manager?

    Found this which may address your issue. "Starting from June 2022, GPU is not showing on the task manager anymore even if your GPU driver is WDDM 2.0 or above, to enable GPU data in the Task Manager again, follow the steps below: Enter Windows PowerShell in Windows Search and click on Run as...
  9. onespeedbiker

    Discussion MS now officially allowing unsupported computers to upgrade to Windows 11 with caveats?

    This page is very cryptic, but it appears you can upgrade unsupported PCs to Windows 11 through some portal in the PC Health Check app...
  10. onespeedbiker

    Discussion MS now officially allowing unsupported computers to upgrade to Windows 11 with caveats?,vertraut%20sein,%20dass%20Kompatibilit%C3%A4tsprobleme%20auftreten.&xcust=2-2-2550265-1-0-0...
  11. onespeedbiker

    Question Booting to windows not working

    Not sure what your problem is. As far as I know, Windows 11 requires a GPT partition, so it's unlikely (or more accurately impossible) you installed or upgraded Windows 11 to a MBR partition.
  12. onespeedbiker

    Question WIndows 11 doesn’t support my CPU ?

    This is the newest official disclaimer from MS on installing/upgrading a non supported PC to Windows 11. "This PC doesn't meet the minimum system requirements for running Windows 11 - these requirements help ensure a more reliable and higher quality experience. Installing Windows 11 on this PC...
  13. onespeedbiker

    Question Win 11 File Explorer can see CD/DVD player but does not detect CD in drive

    This really sounds like a Driver issue.I would first go to the motherboard, optical drive, or prebuilt manufacturer and see if either have a Window 11 driver. Here are a few good suggestions (doesn't have to be a Dell, unless it is 😊)...
  14. onespeedbiker

    Question Win 11 File Explorer can see CD/DVD player but does not detect CD in drive

    I'm pretty old school, bring up the Device Manager, you probably have to so a search, and check under optical devices and see if the driver is properly installed.
  15. onespeedbiker

    Question Win 11 File Explorer can see CD/DVD player but does not detect CD in drive

    How is the optical drive attached? Internal or external? Make sure you have the most current bios. Have you tried using the Windows Media Player with audio CDs?