Recent content by pilky140

  1. P

    [SOLVED] SSD transfer speeds plummet to 5MB/s

    I see, well thanks for your replies I guess I'll have to deal with that, luckily I rarely have to move large files like this one.
  2. P

    [SOLVED] SSD transfer speeds plummet to 5MB/s

    Yeah I get that, but does the 4-7MB/s speeds seem normal even at the crawl?
  3. P

    [SOLVED] SSD transfer speeds plummet to 5MB/s

    Hi all, I'm having a bit of an issue with the read/write speeds on my SSD's. I'm currently copying a large file (~170gb) from my 970 EVO Plus M.2 to my Crucial BX500 sata SSD. As you can see in the attached image this happens at around 5MB/s. At the start of the transfer it boasts 300/400MB/s...
  4. P

    Huge problem when gaming! Fans speeds fire up with ping!

    It's kind of hard to explain but I'll have a go. Within the past week I've been having serious issues when playing games. Mainly CSGO and Arma3. When I boot up CSGO, all is well, when I start a game my fan speeds increase massively (R9 290) and my ping shoots up to the 600-800ms range. Obviously...
  5. P

    WTB an inexpensive cpu+motherboard combo or a working 1156 mb.

    I have a i5 2500k and z67 mobo I'm looking to sell. I also have a brand new H81m mobo too (I think) if you'd prefer that one. I'd have to check to make sure it is the H81m later.
  6. P

    [WTB] MOBO LGA 1155 socket new / used / refurbished

    I have a 2500k with a z67 mobo. I also have a brand new H81 mono (i think) I'm not sure about the specs of the boards but I could check later.
  7. P

    [WTB] 2500k, 2600k, 3570k, or 3770k

    I have a 2500k and a z67 mobo that I'm looking to sell if you're interested?
  8. P

    PC wont boot past the Error Recovery Screen

    I came to turn my PC on last night, just like any other day. But this time it started with the Windows Error Recovery Screen. From there I can either select to start Windows as normal or launch start up repair. The start up repair can't do anything for me, it can't seem to find a fix, but when...