Recent content by PoorPCGamer

  1. PoorPCGamer

    Can I ghetto switch cooling shrouds

    I have a 780ti evga cooler acx, but I feel it is rather loud but i also have a his hs 7950 that isn't working, so I was wondering can i mount that cooler on the 780ti. I saw how the arctic accelero 3 could fit on both, so that is what made me question.
  2. PoorPCGamer

    Is my gpu dying cause I keep stuttering. Please Help!

    I switched my gpu and it is no longer stuttering does that mean my gpu is indeed dying?
  3. PoorPCGamer

    Is my gpu dying cause I keep stuttering. Please Help!

    I tried both solutions and tried also installing all the drivers but it didn't work.
  4. PoorPCGamer

    Is my gpu dying cause I keep stuttering. Please Help!

    So I have all day today been facing my computer stuttering. I believe it is my gpu but i am not sure. I have had a stable overclock on my ryzen 5 1600 to 3.8 and then lowered right now to 3.7 but i still stutter. My gpu is rather old and i think it is giving out. Both of my displays stutter and...
  5. PoorPCGamer

    Does my gpu bottleneck my cpu

    My current system is very good for 1080p gaming but I don't know if there is bottlenecking happening. These are my current specs. ryzen 5 1600 b350 tomahawk mobo 8gb of 2400mhz ram evga 500 watt psu white rated Evga Power Supply 100-W1-0500-KR his hd 7950 crucial mx300 275gb Samsung 850evo...
  6. PoorPCGamer

    Best Gpu for 1080p and VR

    What is the best gpu for 1080p 60fps+ ultra gaming and vr? I have done a lot of research and I am interested in older cards as well. My gpu is old and I wanna be able to play newer games at higher settings. Such as pubg. What would be the best card and excluding prices risen from the mining...