Recent content by proffit4

  1. P

    GPU upgrade gone wrong! HELP!

    I've got a very strange problem due to a video card upgrade. I upgraded from a nvidia 460gtx to a amd r9 270oc and my computer is acting like it has had a stroke! Extremely slow performance in desktop and web browsing. Strange stuttering effect that happens consistently, renders bf4 unplayable...
  2. P

    power supply issue?

    It was the power supply. Disconnected all non essential power but the gpu and it sort of almost tried to fire up. Very weird. Anyways, bought a 725 watt and it works great.
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    power supply issue?

    PSU is a antec 550w. I never thought about a bad PCI-e slot as a problem , I'll look into that after work today. I might just pick up a PSU and test it as well. Thanks for the insight.
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    power supply issue?

  5. P

    power supply issue?

    Hey Tom's, I've done some recent upgrades to my pc but can't get my video card to work. It powers up, fan spins, but no display. If I run off my motherboard everything else works great and functions well. I have to physically unplug the power cables that connect my video card in order to do...
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    Input On Upgrades

    Dom, As per usual you've gone above and beyond. I will take your advice on both the RAM and PS brands. Something I did not consider was things going sour do to part selection ( i was expecting ME to be the problem!). Saving money at any point is always high on the list for any normal consumer...
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    Input On Upgrades

    Dom, Great job again, very detailed and thorough. Let those fingers take a break as they have answered all of my questions and concerns! I spent a few hours reading up on the dual/triple/quad channel vs single RAM differences and they are quite similar in most cases. It seems to me that for...
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    Input On Upgrades

    Thanks for the quick reply Dom. This community is so great because of people like you. I like your idea on the SSD Hard drive. I kind of want one anyway haha! Are there any issues with combining the two different hard drives on the mobo I've selected? I have never installed a second drive...
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    Input On Upgrades

    Decided to upgrade my PC, mainly for gaming. pcpartpicker components I have a 550w power supply and a 1Tb hard drive I will be keeping. I plan on using the OEM Win7 to upgrade from vista, is this doable or full of headaches? Please let me know what you think about the components, both in...
  10. P

    New CPU/MB Upgrade Ideas